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Play the game that helps children learn all about different types of
food and how these are grouped together.
Each of the game boards is divided into the colours of the Food
Wheel which shows which types of food – and how much – you
should try to eat to stay healthy.
4 game boards featuring the ‘Food Wheel’
32 tokens with photos of different foods
• 1 spinner
A sheet that explains the ‘Food Wheel’
Handy tips to help you make tasty, healthy meals with and for
your children. This way, mealtimes will become healthy, tasty
and… fun!
Choose a game board and carefully pop out the tokens. On one
side, you’ll see a part of the ‘Food Wheel’; on the other, a photo of
some food or drink. Place each token, photo side up, on the table
and mix them around. If only two players are taking part, each can
play with two game boards.
On your turn, spin the spoon spinner. When the arrow stops, it will
be pointing at one of the ve categories that make up the Food
Wheel or at the Joker. (If the arrow stops between two categories,
spin again.)
If the arrow points at a category of food, pick a token off the table
that you think belongs in that group. Now see if you were right: turn
over the token and place it, like a puzzle piece, into the matching
space on your game board. If the token ts, the picture on the
token will tie in with the picture on the game board. If they do not
t together, place the token back in the middle of the table, photo
side up. All the food tokens of the same group will t on any board,
so long as they are placed in the right category. When you’ve
nished, the next player on your left gets to spin the spinner and the
game continues as before.
12605_Handleiding.indd 112605_Handleiding.indd 1 23-06-10 13:4023-06-10 13:40

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