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To achieve a considerable improvement of your
physical resistance and your health, some aspects of
how to achieve the most efficient training should be
To achieve maximum results the right intensity has to
be chosen. The heart rate is used as guideline.
As a rule of thumb the following formula is commonly
Maximum pulse rate = 220 - Age
While exercising the pulse rate should always be
between 60% - 85% of the maximum pulse rate.
For your personal training rates please see the
attached pulse rate chart.
When starting to exercise you should keep your rate at
70% of your maximum pulse rate in the first couple of
With increasing improvement of fitness the pulse rate
should be slowly increased to 85% of your maximum
pulse rate.
This is a personal orientation value. Consult
your physician for professional advise before
adapting a heart rate recovery program.
Fat burning
The body starts to burn fat at approx. 65% of the
maximum pulse rate.
To reach an optimum at burning rate, it is advisable to
keep the pulse rate between 70% – 80% of the
maximum pulse rate.
The optimum training amount consists of
three workouts per week 30 minutes each.
You are 52 years of age and would like to start
Maximum pulse rate = 220 - 52(age) = 168 pulse/min
Minimum pulse rate = 168 x 0.7 = 117 pulse/min
Highest pulse rate = 168 x 0.85 = 143 pulse/min
During the first weeks it is advisable to start with a
pulse rate of 117, afterwards increase it to 143.
With increasing improvement of fitness the training
Intensity should be increased to 70% - 85% of your
maximum pulse rate.
This can be done by increasing the pedalling
resistance, by using a higher pedalling frequency or
with longer training periods.
Training Organisation
Before every training session you should warm-up for
5-10 minutes.
Some stretching and pedalling with low pedalling
resistance will get you started.
rming-up program
Stretch or flexibility training is vital for a fit and healthy
physique. By training your body to become more
supple, you will improve circulation and help keep your
muscles mobi
le. The warming-up programme
allows you to achieve a supple and well-toned form.
If you have not focused on stretch training before, start
with gentle stretches and increase the length or time of
the stretch as you become more flexible over time.
With a wide variety of fitness items throughout the
nge, you will always find a product to match
r fitness level.
Prior to exercise, make sure you warm up thoroughly
to protect against injury and prepare yourself for the
activity to come. Warm up for 8 to 10 minutes by
walking or jogging lightly on the spot or use a
treadmill, bike or elliptical strider. Try to include some
simular movements that make up your workout,
include stretches to target your tighter muscles. The
duration of the warm up activity will depend on the
intensity of your workout as well as your own fitness
During the actual training a rate of 70% -85% of the
maximum pulse rate should be chosen.
The time-length of your work out can be calculated
with the following rule of thumb:
daily work-out: approx. 10 min. per unit
2-3 x per week: approx. 30 min. per unit
1-2 x per week: approx. 60 min. per unit
Cool down
To introduce an effective cool-down of the muscles
and the metabolism the intensity should be drastically
decreased during the last 5 – 10 minutes.
Stretching is also helpful for the prevention of muscle
Even after a short period of regular exercises you will
realise that you constantly have to increase the
pedalling resistance to reach your optimum pulse rate.
The units will be continuously easier and you will feel a
lot fitter during your normal day.
For this achievement you should motivate yourself to
exercise regularly. Choose fixed hours for your work
out and do not start training too aggressively.
An old saying amongst sportsmen says:
The most difficult thing about training is to start it.”
Wishing you lots of fun and success with your
All data displayed are approximate guidance
and cannot be used in any medical

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