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Air supply
The outside air connection may be fitted directly to the Jøtul F 370
Series through:
The base/pedestal/leg or
through a flexible supply hose from the outside/chimney
(only if the chimney has its own duct for external air) and to
the product’s outside air connector.
Through an outside wall
Through the floor and ground plate
Through the floor and basement
Indirectly through an outside wall
3.0 Safety
NB! To guarantee optimal performance and safety, Jøtul stoves
must be fitted by a qualified installer.
Any modifications to the product by the distributor, installer
or consumer may result in the product and safety features not
functioning as intended. The same applies to the installation of
accessories or optional extras not supplied by Jøtul. This may
also be the case if parts that are essential to the functioning
and safety of the fireplace have been disassembled or removed.
In all these cases, the manufacturer is not responsible or liable
for the product and the right to make a complaint becomes null
and void.
3.1 Fire Prevention Measures
There is a certain element of danger every time you use your
fireplace. The following instructions must therefore be followed:
The minimum safety distances when installing and using the
fireplace are given in fig. 1.
Ensure that furniture and other flammable materials are not
too close to the fireplace. Flammable materials should not be
placed within 1 metre of the fireplace.
Allow the fire to burn out. Never extinguish the flames with
The fireplace becomes hot when lit and may cause burns if
Only remove ash when the fireplace is cold. Ash can contain
hot embers and should therefore be placed in a non-
flammable container.
Ash should be placed outdoors or be emptied in a place where
it will not present a potential fire hazard.
In case of chimney fire:
Close all hatches and vents.
Keep the firebox door closed.
Check the loft and cellar for smoke.
Call the fire service.
Before use after a fire an expert must check the fireplace
and the chimney in order to ensure that it is fully functional.
3.2 Floor
You need to make sure the foundation is suitable for a fireplace.
See “2.0 Technical Data” for specified weight.
We recommend the removal of any flooring that is not attached
to the foundation (“floating floors”) beneath the installation.
Requirements for protection of wooden
flooring beneath the fireplace
Jøtul F 370 Series (except from Jøtul F 374) has a heat shield
underneath which protects the base from radiation. The product
(except Jøtul from F 374 and Jøtul F 379) has an integrated floor
protection and may therefore be placed directly on a wooden
Any inflammable floor coverings, such as linoleum, carpets, etc.
must be removed from under the product.

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