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Table of contents
Installation manual with technical data
1.0 Relationship to the authorities ................... 2
2.0 Technical data .............................................. 2
3.0 Safety ............................................................ 3
4.0 Installation ..................................................8
5.0 Daily use ......................................................18
6.0 Maintenance ...............................................18
7.0 Service ......................................................... 19
8.0 Operational problemes -
troubleshooting .........................................20
9.0 Optional Equipment ..................................20
10.0 Warranty ......................................................21
1.0 Relationship to the
Installation of a fireplace must be according to local codes and
regulations in each country.
All local regulations, including those which refer to national
and European standards, must be observed when installing the
The installation can only be put into use after it has been checked
by a qualified inspector. Contact your local building authorities
before installing a new fireplace.
A product data plate of heat-resistant material is affixed to the
product. This contains information about identification and
documentation for the product.
2.0 Technical data
Material: Cast iron
Finish: Black or grey varnish
Fuel: Wood
Log length, max.: 30 cm
Flue outlet: Top, rear
Flue pipe dimension: Ø150 mm/min. 177 cm
Approx. weight:
- with cast iron base: Approx. 163 kg
- with cast iron pedestal: Approx. 156 kg
- with cast iron leg: Approx. 154 kg
- with cast iron base
and glass door: Approx. 165 kg
- with glass base: Approx. 158 kg
- Jøtul F 377 with soapstone: Approx. 220 kg
- Jøtul F 377 HT with soapstone: Approx. 270 kg
- Jøtul F 377 with heat storage
system and soapstone: Approx. 330 kg
- with three legs: Approx. 149 kg
Optional extras: Decoration plates, cover for
side windows, rotating set
(Jøtul 373), glass decoration
- top/sides/front, soap stone -
top, wood store, cast iron door
for base (Jøtul F 371), High
Top, Jøtul F 377 soapstone,
Jøtul F 377 HT soapstone,
convection kit, heat storage
Dimensions, distances: See fig. 1
Technical data according to EN 13240
Nominal heat output: 5,5 kW
Flue gas mass flow: 5,9 g/s
Recommended chimney draught: 12 Pa
Efficiency: 73%@5,8 kW
CO emission (13% O
): 0.12%
Flue gas temperature: 330
Operational type: Intermittent
Intermittent combustion in this context means normal use of the
fireplace, i.e. fuel is added as soon as the fuel has burnt down to
a suitable amount of embers.
On all our products there is a label
indicating the serial number and
year. Write this number in the
place indicated in the installation
Always quote this serial number when
contacting your retailer or Jøtul.
les combustibles recommandés.
Respectez les consignes d'utilisation. Utilisez uniquement
Verwenden Sie nur empfohlenen Brennstoffen.
Montage- und Bedienungsanleitung beachten.
Follow user`s instructions. Use only recommended fuels.
The appliance can be used in a shared flue.
Minimum distance to adjacent combustible materials:
Emission of CO in combustion products
Serial no: Y-xxxx, Year: 200x
N-1602 Fredrikstad
Jøtul AS
POB 1441
EUR Intermittent
Nominal heat output
Operational type
Fuel type
Operation range
Klasse II
Flue gas temperature
Room heater fired by solid fuel
SP Sveriges Provnings- och
Forskningsinstitut AB
SP Swedish National
Testing and Research
Approved by
Minimum distance to adjacent combustible materials:
Serial no.

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