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20-E E-21
the garment.
*Never place the iron surface directly on the garment when using
this type of ironing.
-Press the steam shot push button intermittently.
-Hold the garment with one hand and the iron with the other one.
-Before cleaning the appliance, make sure it has been disconnec-
ted from the mains.
-Leave the appliance to cool down before cleaning it and empty
the tank.
-Do not use abrasive detergents or products that may damage
the appliance.
-To eliminate any remains from the iron, use a cloth with a drop
of vinegar diluted in water, clean the iron surface until the remains
disappear and then dry it.
-Use a damp cloth or sponge to clean the outside of the iron.
-It is advisable to clean the appliance once a month to lengthen
the life of the product and obtain better results. This cleaning will
be done more or less often depending on how much the applian-
ce is used. Follow the instructions given below:
•Fill the water tank half full.
•Place the iron in upright position.
•Select the “Max” temperature and plug the appliance into the
•Wait until the luminous lamp goes off, which will indicate that the
iron has reached the maximum temperature.
•Unplug the appliance from the mains.
•Hold the iron horizontally over a bowl then press self-cleaning
button, and the hot water and steam will come out of the applian-
ce, removing any remains and thus cleaning the iron.
•Gently shake the appliance until all the water comes out of the
water tank.
•Place the steam function in “0” position and plug the appliance
into the mains, and stand it upright.
ageing of the appliance.
-Do not use tumble drier water, perfumed water or soft water,
water from refrigerators, batteries, acclimatizers, pure distilled
water or rainwater.
-Place the iron in upright position and select the desired tempe-
rature according to the following table of fabrics.
-The luminous lamp will go off once the soleplate has reached
the desired temperature.
Table of fabrics
· Synthetic fibres, viscose, polyester
·· Natural fibres, silk and wool
··· Natural fibres, cotton and linen
-Press the spray push button to wet the garments and iron the
creases better. Do not use the sprayer on silk garments, as the
marks of the drops may remain.
-Using the steam controller, you can regulate the amount of
when you are ironing.
-Press the steam shot push button continuously, and this will
help in the ironing by eliminating the difficult creases.
-Hang the garment on a hanger. Never on a person.
-Place the temperature regulator and the steam controller in the
maximum position.
-When the desired temperature has been reached, place the iron
vertically at a distance of about 15-20 cm from the garment to be
-Hold the garment with one hand as you move vertically along

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