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16-P E-17
O seu produto foi desenhado e fabricado com materiais e com-
ponentes de alta qualidade, que podem ser reciclados e reutiliza-
Quando vir este símbolo de um caixote do lixo com rodas colado
num produto, significa que o produto está conforme a Directiva
Europeia 2002/96/CE.
Deverá informar-se sobre o sistema de reciclagem local separa-
do para produtos eléctricos e electrónicos.
Siga as normas locais e não se desfaça dos produtos usados
deitando-os ao lixo normal de sua casa.
A reciclagem correcta do seu produto usado ajuda a evitar con-
sequências negativas para o meio ambiente e para a saúde das
JOCCA thanks you for the trust placed in the purchase of our
product and we are certain that you will always be satisfied with
any of our products.
-These instructions are very important. Please read this instruc-
tions manual carefully before using the appliance and keep it at
hand to refer to it at any time.
-JOCCA declines any responsibility for the improper use of the
product, or any other use that is not described in this manual.
-Before using the product for the first time, unpack the product
and check that it is in perfect conditions. If not, do not use the
appliance and contact JOCCA, as the guarantee covers any
damage from origin or manufacturing defects.
-This product is only indicated for domestic use. Do not use the
appliance outdoors. Never leave the appliance exposed to clima-
tic agents such as rain, snow, sun, etc…
-This appliance is intended to be used only by adults. Do not
allow people not accustomed to this kind of appliances, handicap-
ped people or children to use this item.
-Before connecting the appliance to the mains, check that the
cable and plug are in perfect conditions. Also check that the vol-
tage indicated on the appliance is valid for your electrical installa-
a- Spray pushbutton
b- Steam shot push button
c- Steam controller
d- Luminous lamp
e- Wire and plug
f- Temperature control
g- Transparent water tank
h- Soleplate with steam outlet
i- Spray nozzle
j- Loading inlet with cover
k- Water level
l- Filling cup
m-Self-cleaning button

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