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available, a useful test is to check if this is triggered by your camera. If you find that your camera
refuses to trigger the photoGPS, contact JOBO with details of your camera make and model.
Problem: the photoGPS software is showing a “Communications Error” message.
Answer: The photoGPS software needs a reliable internet connection in order to process the GPS
captures to obtain location information. If you see this message, check that your internet
connection is working, then press the “Retry” button. If this works, the problem is probably due to
an intermittent network connection. Another possibility is that you are using a proxy server to
connect to the internet. If this is the case you should follow the instructions in the section on
‘Internet Connection Options’ to configure the photoGPS software to use your proxy. A related
problem can occur in Microsoft Windows, if the user’s home directory is on a network drive. If the
local network has a problem, the home directory can ‘disappear’, which may cause photoGPS to
behave erratically.
Problem: Photos are not displayed in Google Earth when viewing the Photos.KML file produce by the
photoGPS software.
Answer: Google Earth does not support RAW photos. If you are using RAW, you will still see the
positions of the photos in Google Earth, but you will not be able to see the photos themselves.
19. Contact/Service
If you have any questions on or need help with our products please do not hesitate to get
in touch with our Technical Service. You can reach our service people by phone under the
telephone number indicated below from Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
and on Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Independently of these service times you can also
get in touch by e-mail, fax or mail:
Koelner Strasse 58
D-51645 Gummersbach, Germany
Tel. 0049 2261 545-72
Fax: 0049 2261 545-42
E-mail: support@jobo.com

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Andere handleiding(en) van Jobo photoGPS

Jobo photoGPS Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 23 pagina's

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