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18. Troubleshooting
- Problem: the photoGPS does not produce a single green LED flash when taking
- Answer: When attempting to capture a location, the photoGPS will flash its LEDs to indicate
the result of the capture. The table below shows what these flashes mean. Each letter
indicates a flash of either red (R) or green (G).
LED Flashes Meaning Action Required
G Capture successful None
None (when taking a
Either the device is not properly attached to
the hot shoe or there is a triggering problem
Try removing the photoGPS from
the camera hot shoe and re-
attaching. If this does not help
consult the ‘photoGPS does not
trigger’ section below
None (when pressing
the GeoHint button)
It is likely that the photoGPS battery is flat Recharge the photoGPS via USB.
GR Capture successful, but getting low on
battery or memory (<20%)
If you think the battery may be
low, recharge by connecting to a
computer using the UB cable. If
the device is becoming full,
either process and delete the
captures as normal or offload
the captures for later
GRR Capture aborted due to error Retry. If the problem persists,
contact Jobo.
GRRRR Out of memory Either process and delete the
captures as normal or offload
the captures for later
GRRRRRRRR Device clock not set To set the clock automatically,
connect the device to a
computer and run the photoGPS
application (whilst connected to
the internet)
RRRR pause GG Reset /clear started … and completed Continue to use
Flashing Red Device failure Contact Jobo
Problem: When connected to the camera via the hot shoe, the photoGPS is not activated when a
photo is taken
Answer: For the photoGPS to function, it must receive a trigger from the camera via the centre pin
of the hot shoe. If this is not happening, usually the problem is that the device is not properly
connected to the hot shoe. Try removing and replacing the device and check the device is making
contact with the hot shoe centre pin. Another possibility is that the device is properly attached but
the camera is not triggering the hot shoe. Most cameras will do this without any problem, using
their default modes and settings. However, a small number of cameras may only trigger the hot shoe
in certain modes or after changing certain settings. For example, some cameras, in Automatic mode,
will not trigger the hot shoe at all, or only in certain lighting conditions. In such cases, try one of
the other modes (Shutter priority, Manual etc). Some cameras, by default, have the hot shoe
(external flash) turned off. Typically this is easily solved by changing the appropriate camera menu
setting. Please consult your camera manual for information. If you have an external flash device

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Jobo photoGPS Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 23 pagina's

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