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JK-15 PROFI GSM KIT 4/4 MGK22902
Control panel drilling plan
JK-15 PROFI GSM KIT 1/4 MGK22902
Detailed manuals for all included components can be found on the enclosed CD or on the Jablotron website www.jablotron.com
1. Kit contents
All items in the kit are enrolled and preprogrammed. The
detectors and remote controls have batteries pre-installed.
Item Description Address
JA-60N wireless door sensor 1
JA-60P wireless motion detector 2
JA-60F wireless keypad c1
RC-44 remote control c2
UC-260 wireless indoor siren panel is enrolled
The RC-42 is the same remote control as the RC-44 except that it is built into the
housing witch only two buttons (
& ), which have identical functions to the left
pair of RC-44 buttons.
2. Before installation
Ensure that PIN code protection has been disabled before you
insert a SIM card into the control panel.
For example, on a NOKIA
phone, select: Menu, Settings, Security settings, PIN code request, Off.
Decide upon suitable locations for all of the items. The wireless
keypad should be within 20m of the control panel.
3. Control panel installation
a) Install the control panel - see the drilling plan on the last
page of this manual. Plug the SMS phone lead into the GSM
dialer’s SMS telephone plug (see diagram) and the PC lead
into the PC internet connector (if the control panel is to be a
GPRS data modem) before mounting the panel. Push out the
appropriate cut-outs to allow the leads access to the panel.
b) Open the SIM card holder (by sliding it in the direction shown
in picture below) and Insert the SIM card into the holder and
close it by sliding it back.
c) Install and connect the backup battery to the control panel
d) Connect the AC power to the control panel
e) The red LED will be lit during connection to a GSM network
and should turn off within 60 sec. If the LED starts flashing,
GSM network connection was unsuccessful (switch off both
the AC and backup up battery and then try the SIM card in
your own mobile phone to ensure it is functioning).
f) Connect the keypad batteries (pull out the red tape to
activate the batteries). P will be indicated on the keypad
(programming mode).
If F is indicated, there is no communication with the control panel.
Enter F0 6060 to re-enter P mode
if you accidentally exit it by
pushing the N key
To save the keypad batteries, close the cover while it is in P mode
g) Enter 971 to measure the GSM signal strength. It should
register 3 minimum (if not, change the location of the control
panel or use an external GSM antenna).
h) Exit measuring by pressing the N key. Attach the control
panel cover.
SMS telephone plug SIM card
PC internet connector
GSM module
Reset pins
Back up battery

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