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The JA-80Y GSM communicator - 11 - MFJ55304
5.33. IP address for data transmission
The communicator supports transmission of special data (e.g. visual
information) from the system to the set IP address, which can be set
by the following sequence:
013 *8 xxx xxx xxx xxx yyyyy *0
where: concerning 8, insert these characters, to identify the
following IP address which must consist of 12 digits followed
by 5 digits for the port (see below)
xx..x is the12 digit IP address
y..y is 5 digits for the port (see manual of the communicator).
Example: 013
8 195 039 077 154 07070
To erase the IP set 0130.
Note: if no devices supporting this feature are in the system, do not set
the IP address.
Factory default : 7070 (img.jablotron.com)
5.34. Locking the ARC settings
All settings which effect reporting to ARCs can be locked by a digital
901 xx..x 0 where xx..x is an installer-defined locking code (4 to
8 digits)
Exiting service mode after the locking code has been entered will
lock all the settings effecting ARC communication (see the
sequence list in section 5).
If ARC programming is locked, then it can be temporally enabled in
service mode by entering 901 xx..x 0 where xx..x is the locking
code. It will then relock on exiting service mode.
The ARC settings can be permanently unlocked by entering 9010
while ARC programming is temporally enabled – see above. This
will erase the locking code.
Factory default setting: ARC settings unlocked
5.35. Engineer reset supported
Starting from this version the communicator firmware supports the
Engineer reset feature (also requires the control panel firmware to be
of version KE60108 or higher). This feature is designed for ARC
(Alarm Receiving Centre) connection to satisfy the following
requirements of the DD243 standard: After a confirmed alarm has
been triggered, the control panel must switch to a disabled state.
Switching to normal operation is then only possible using a valid ARC
access code. Until then, the system remains completely disabled –
no operation or programming is possible even when in
Maintenance or Service mode.
An ARC access code can be entered in the following ways:
GSMlink in the field used for remote code entry
SMS instruction
(e.g. *12345678 STATUS)
6. GPRS modem feature
The communicator can be used as a GPRS modem to connect a PC to
the Internet. A suitable cable is provided with the communicator. The
cable should connect a PC’s serial COM port to thae data connector
on the communicator board (the cable length must not be extended).
It is also necessary to install the driver in the PC, which is found on
the CD ROM provided with the communicator. The SIM card used in
the communicator must be GPRS-enabled and the GPRS parameters
must be programmed in the communicator too (see 5.23). When the
communicator’s GPRS modem function is used:
It is possible to make phone calls, but the internet data transfer rate
will drop to zero during phone calls
Incoming SMS messages are stored and are processed after GPRS
data transfer has been terminated.
GPRS data transfer is terminated if the communicator is due to report
alarms or setting/unsetting (by SMS or by phone call).
7. Further guidance on the communicator
7.1. How the communicator sends reports
If there is a need to report an event (e.g. an alarm) then the
sends data to ARC1, if used (the communicator tries the main phone
number / IP address, if unsuccessful then it tries the backup number /
IP address).
Then it sends data to ARC2 in the same way if programmed as an
independent ARC. If ARC2 is programmed as the backup to ARC1
then the data will only be sent to it if transfer to ARC1 has been
Then the unit sends SMS reports (1
tel. number, 2
tel. number ….8
tel. number)
Then the unit performs reporting by phone call (1
tel. number, 2
number ….8
tel. number) – each programmed number is called once
whether the call has been answered or not
If all previous attempts to send data to ARCs have been unsuccessful,
the next attempts occur after the programmed repeat period (see
If an alarm is cancelled by a user while it is being reported, any unsent
SMSes and unperformed call reports are cancelled, but the ARC still
gets a complete set of reports about events in the system.
7.2. The communicator’s LED
The red LED on the communicator board indicates as follows:
regular flashing – not registered to a GSM network
lit permanently – communication in progress (registration to a GSM
network, an SMS transfer or a phone call)
3 flashes – pause – 3 flashes… - GPRS modem mode
7.3. After entering service mode the communicator:
finishes reporting to ARCs (if any is needed) and confirms successful
data transmission by a short ring from the phone connected to the
simulated tel. line
unfinished SMS and call reports are cancelled
unsent ARC reports are only erased if ARC tel. numbers / IP
addresses or the ARC communication format or the installation ID are
alarm restoration reports or fault restoration reports are sent to the
ARC even in service mode
changes to communicator settings do not take effect until service
mode has been exited
7.4. Configuring the communicator in maintenance mode
If configuring the communicator in maintenance mode is enabled (via
control panel programming), then the above described programming
sequences can be used to set:
tel. numbers M1 to M7
the events reported by SMS and phone calls
GSM signal strength measurement
simulated phone line functionality
the digits of the emergency tel. number
7.5. Remote access by Internet
The system can be accessed remotely via www.GSMLink.cz
allows complete programming by installers and also operating the
system by end users. To access the system remotely it is necessary
Use a SIM card enabled for GPRS data transfer
Program the communicator GPRS parameters (APN) – also
possible via www.GSMLink.cz
Register the communicator via the GSMLink web page by:
o displaying www.GSMLink.cz
and selecting New registration
o setting your login details (name and password)
o entering the communicator registration code (see 5.19)
o entering the communicator SIM card tel. number
o entering your system access code (user or service – this gives
you access to the user menu or the installer menu accordingly)
o after entering the above parameters it should be possible to
establish a connection with the system (connecting takes time
depending on network traffic, typically within 2 minutes).
for further access sessions you only need to enter your login details
(these can be memorized by your web browser)
several people can register for internet access to the system (both
installers and users)

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