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The JA-80Y GSM communicator - 10 - MFJ55304
zz..z installation ID number, max. 8 characters (0 to 9 and
1=A to 6=F - hexadecimal number)
Factory default setting: 0000 for both ARCs
5.26. Selecting the ARC communication protocol
To select the required communication protocol enter:
04 a x
a 1=ARC1, 2=ARC2
x 0=Contact ID, 1=SMS CID, 2=IP CID
IP CID is the fastest of the above protocols and it also allows very
frequent checking of communication reliability with the ARC (e.g.
every 5 minutes)
Contact ID protocol can be used with ARCs linked by standard
telephone lines (if they support Contact ID)
If your ARC does not allow SMS CID or IP CID protocols, please
contact a Jablotron distributor for details on how to update your
Factory default setting: Contact ID for both ARCs
5.27. Selection of events to report to ARCs
The system recognizes 32 different types of events - see the following
table. This sequence allows you to select which events are reported to
which ARC.
05 a ec x
where a 1 = ARC1, 2 = ARC2
ec event code 01 to 32
x 0 = no report, 1 = report
Factory default setting: all events are reported
ec Event
01 Intruder alarm - instant
02 Intruder alarm - delayed
03 Fire alarm
04 Panic alarm
05 Number of permitted incorrect code-entries
06 Alarm triggered during control panel power-up
07 Tamper alarm
08 End of tamper alarm
09 End of alarm indication
10 Alarm cancelled by user
11 Setting
12 Unsetting
13 Partial setting
14 Codeless setting
15 External communication fault
16 External communication restored
17 Fault
18 Fault no longer present
19 Mains dropout longer than 30 minutes
20 Mains dropout
21 Mains restored
22 Discharged battery
23 Battery OK
24 Switching to Service Mode
25 Leaving Service Mode
28 Radio communication jamming present
29 Internal communication fault
30 Internal communication restored
31 Communication test
32 Unconfirmed alarm
Besides the events listed above, the communicator also reports some
events which are not selectable here (e.g. the annual inspection
request if enabled in the control panel = CID 1393)
5.28. Defining the delay before data is resent to an ARC
The communicator tries to send reports to the main number / IP
address, and if unsuccessful it then tries the backup number / IP
address. If still unsuccessful, it then tries to re-send the data to both
the ARCs again as before, but after a period defined by:
06 a x
a 1 = ARC1, 2 = ARC2
t is the period: 0=immediately, 1 to 9 = 1 to 9 minutes
Factory default setting: 1 min. for both ARCs
5.29. ARC communication checking period
The time to wait after the last report sent to an ARC before performing
an ARC communication check is set by this sequence. The
communication-checking event code is 31 (see 5.27). This sequence
programs how often the communication check is performed:
07 a hhmm
a 1 = ARC1, 2 = ARC2
hh hours
mm minutes
Checking reports are not sent in service mode
IP CID protocol allows very frequent checking of ARC
communication (e.g. every 5 minutes).
Factory default setting:24 hours after the last report – for both ARCs
5.30. Enable ARC reporting (ARC2 backs up ARC1)
This sequence allows reporting to ARCs to be switched on/off and also
enables ARC2 to backup ARC1:
00 a x
a 1=ARC1, 2=ARC2
x 0=off, 1=on, 2= ARC2 backs up ARC1 (2 can only be
entered for ARC2)
Note: if ARC2 backs up ARC1 then it will only receive data if it is not
possible to deliver it to ARC1. A report containing “Communication
fault to ARC1” is then sent to ARC2 together with the first report to
Factory default setting: both ARCs = off
5.31. Recording reports sent to ARCs in the control panel
This sequence enables the recording of every report successfully
communicated to ARCs in the control panel’s internal memory.
080 enabled
081 disabled
Note: it is recommended not to record reports sent to ARCs but to
enable the indication of ARC communication faults (see 5.32). This
saves a significant amount of control panel memory. The system
initially assumes that every report is successfully delivered to ARCs,
but if a report is not successfully delivered within 110 seconds of
transmission, then a communication fault will be indicated and
Factory default setting: enabled
5.32. Indicate an ARC communication fault if a report is not
successfully received within 110 sec of transmission
Enables the indication and recording of a communication fault if a
report is not successfully delivered to an ARC within 110 seconds of its
090 communication faults not indicated
091 communication faults indicated
The communicator continues trying to send information to an ARC
even after a communication fault has been indicated (after the data
has been delivered, communication fault indication stops).
For communication-checking reports the delivery time limit
(confirmation from the ARC) is 300 minutes. But if any other report is
sent to the ARC it must be confirmed within 110 seconds (otherwise
a communication fault will be indicated)
Factory default setting: communication faults not indicated

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