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JA-60GSM dialer module 1 / 11 MFJ51215
JA-60GSM dialer module
Installation manual
The JA-60GSM dialer is constructed for the JA-60, 63 and 65 alarm control panels. The dialer is used for communication via GSM. An
appropriate GSM provider is chosen according to the inserted SIM card. This Installation manual is intended for the JA-60GSM, version FJ61412.
The GSM module, when installed in the alarm control panel, enables:
Automatic sending of an event’s text messages to up to 8 mobile phones
Dialing of programmed telephone numbers and playing of an audible warning signal
Data transfer to one or two Central Monitoring Stations (CMS)
Remote control and programming of the alarm system via SMS instruction messages from a mobile phone or from Jablotron’s SMS
Remote control and programming of the alarm system using a telephone set keypad (mobile or land line)
Remote control of an appliance (heating system etc.) via telephone (mobile or land line)
Phone calls and convenient receiving and sending of SMS messages using an SMS-8010 telephone set (optional accessories; except
GSM kits e.g. JK-05) attached to the dialer module (via the GSM network)
Connection of the intercom SP-01 for communication with the premises
Internet connection using the GPRS data transfer
Programming of the alarm system via ComLink software
Programming and remote supervision of the alarm system via Jablotron’s website www.gsmlink.cz
Multi-language support (only available via keypad instructions)
1 Installation of the dialer
The JA-60GSM dialer can be installed into the telephone
communicator’s position in a JA-60, 63 or 65 control panel (either a
GSM module or a telephone line communicator module can be used in
a control panel – it is not possible to install both simultaneously).
a) Disconnect the control panel’s power supply (both AC and
backup battery). If the control panel has been previously used
before this installation, enter the programming mode before
disconnecting the power supply.
b) We recommend you to disable the SIM card PIN code
protection before you insert it into the dialer. Use a mobile phone
to perform this task (if you have a NOKIA phone, select: Menu,
Settings, Security settings, PIN code request, Off). If you insist on
usage of the PIN, see section 5.1.
c) Open the SIM card holder (by sliding it in the direction shown in
figure 1) and Insert the SIM card into the holder and close it by
sliding it back. – see figure 1.
d) Attach the dialer into the control panel case and connect its flat
cable to the control panel’s main board.
e) Connect the GSM antenna (never switch the power supply on
without a proper antenna)
f) Connect a SMS-8010 telephone set to the PHONE connector (or to
PHONE terminals) if desired. Only one telephone set can be attached
to the dialer. The PHONE output of the dialer should never be
connected to any other telephone network.
g) If you use the AUX output to control an appliance, connect its
cable to the AUX output terminals (normally open dry contact,
max. 100mA / 60V) – see figure 1.
figure 1
Note: if your control panel supports programming of the PgX and
PgY outputs for the AUX function (sequences 238 and 239), the
appliance can also be controlled wirelessly from the control panel
by incorporating a UC-216 or UC-222 receiver module into the
h) Reconnect the control panel’s power supply (backup battery
and AC). The system will show a P, (programming mode). The red
LED on the GSM dialer will light permanently (indicating that the
module is establishing a connection with the GSM network). The
LED will switch off after the connection is successfully
If the LED starts flashing, the module was not able to connect to
the GSM network. In this case, switch off the control panel’s power
completely. Remove the SIM card and insert it into a mobile phone
to confirm whether it is possible to connect to the network at this
location. You can also select a desired network manually if options
are available. Ensure that the SIM card does not request a PIN
code (optional use with a PIN code is described in section 5.1).
Once the SIM card works in the mobile phone, reinsert it into the
GSM dialer and repeat step h). If the GSM signal is weak in this
area, change the location of the GSM antenna before you try to
reestablish the connection.
i) Attach the control panel’s cover after the module has connected to
the GSM network (LED switched off).
j) Key in 97701 - to set texts of the communicator to English
language. (English is the default setting, so you can omit this step.)
k) Enter 971 on the alarm system keypad (while in programming
mode) to monitor the GSM signal. The keypad will show a
number from 0 to 9 and it will sound a beep every second
indicating a new measurement. For proper functioning of the dialer
the signal strength should be 3 or higher. Find the best location for
the antenna while measuring the signal strength. To switch the
system back to programming mode press the N key.
l) Without additional programming you can test the user features of
the dialer (phone calls from an attached phone, remote control of
the system via a remote phone, remote control of an appliance
etc.). See the following description.
m) Set telephone numbers for automatic event reporting and the
other selectable features – see part 3.
n) Programming of the GSM dialer is possible by entering
programming sequences via the alarm system’s keypad (while in
programming mode). The most convenient programming method,
however is via a connected PC using ComLink software, or by
using the www.GSMlink.cz

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Jablotron JA-60GSM Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 6 pagina's

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