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Central locking with remote control CL-302SL 2/2 MDC51106
The fifth door
It is also possible to control a fifth door lock by
using an extra actuator. Use model CM-2 (two
wires) and connect it in parallel to one of the
front door actuators. This way the locking
system can only be operated manually from the
front doors.
Note: study the function of the fifth door lock
carefully before you decide to install an
actuator. Some systems do not allow it.
Check the wiring and then install the fuse onthe
red cable (15A) and connect the battery. Check
the function of the locking system by using the
key in the front door locks. Then test the
function of the remote controls.
Adding of a new remote control
There are two remote controls in each CL-
302SL set. The receiver unit can be operated
by a maximum of three remote controls. To add
an additional remote control or to replace an
original one (in the case one is lost) perform the
following procedure.
Entering of Learn Mode: First, switch off
ignition key and disconnect the power to the
CL-302SL by removing the fuse. Then open the
control unit housing. Press and hold the button
marked "Learn Code" inside the unit and
reconnect the power while still holding down the
button. The blinkers will flash four times and
you can now release the button. Now the
receiver unit is in learning mode, ready to learn
new codes.
Remote control codes learning: You should
activate all the remote controls (one by one)
which you want to use to operate the system.
The receiver unit will store each remote control
code in its memory (confirmed by a blinker
flash). Keep in mind that only three controls can
be taught. If you try to teach a fourth control, the
first one will be forgotten and so on. If you
activate only one control in learning mode, you
will be able to control the car only with this one
To exit the learning mode, disconnect the CL-
302SL power for two minutes.
Note: All the codes are stored in non volatile
memory, so the receiver unit will remember
them even if the power is disconnected.
Each short pressing of the remote control
button will lock or unlock the car (according to
the initial position of the locks). Locking of the
car is indicated by one flash of the blinkers.
Unlocking is indicated by two flashes. Doors
can not be locked with the remote control while
the ignition key is ON.
Re-lock function: If the car is not entered
(neither door switch nor ignition key input is
triggered) within one minute after unlocking, the
CL-302SL will automatically generate a lock
instruction. (Connecting the white wire to the
GND instead of to the door switches will disable
this function)
Confirmation of Control Code Validity: If
the receiver unit receives an invalid signal from
the remote control (for example: if there was an
attempt to scan the code by a car thief, or, while
rare, as may happen after the remote control
battery has been disconnected for a long time)
then the receiver will not respond to the signal
from the remote control. In this case, the
system will ask for a confirmation of the control
code. To provide confirmation, open the car
with key an turn ignition key on. Press any
button on the remote control. Now the remote
control should work as usual.
Maintenance: The system does not need any
special maintenance. Check if the locks can be
operated easily by hand every three months.
Lubricate the locks before and after each winter
season. If a lock freezes in winter, or is
mechanically blocked for any reason, remove
the control unit fuse to avoid damage to the
If the distance from your car at which the
locking system can be operated decreases,
then replace the remote control battery. Normal
life time of a good quality battery should be
about one year. A suitable replacement battery
is BAT-12.
Internet: www.jablotron.cz
Tel.: +420 483 559 999
fax: +420 483 559 993
Pod Skalkou 33
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
Czech Republic

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