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Central locking with remote control CL-302SL 2/1 MDC51106
The CL-302SL combines the control unit of an
electromechanical central locking system with a
remote control. It can be connected directly to
the electromechanical actuators. It also
provides signals for the blinkers to indicate
operation visually. The CL-302SL offers an
economical and easy solution for central locking
with a remote control.
The receiver unit is controlled by a remote RF
control. Communication is protected by a
special "FLOATING" digital code that is
changed after each transmission. Additional
protection is offered by an ANTI-SCAN feature.
This type of system provides a much higher
safety level than other systems using only a fix
code. An optional re-lock function checks if the
car was entered within 1 minute after unlocking.
If not, it will lock automatically again. This
prevents the car from being accidentally
unlocked and left unprotected. Protection of
accidental locking while driving is also an
optional function of this device.
There are two remote controls in each CL-
302SL set. The device can be operated by a
maximum of three remote controls. A new
remote control can be added to the CL-302SL
when necessary. The central locking with CL-
302SL can also be operated by key (if 5 wires
actuators are installed in the front doors).
operating voltage 10 - 15VDC
stand by consumption 8mA
built-in fuse 15A
working distance up to 20m
working frequency 433.92MHz
coding system digital floating code
max. 3 remote controls
built in transmitter type TX-9
built in receiver type REC-5
output signals 12V pulses, max. 14A
turn indicators outputs 2 x +12V/5A
can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
Hereby, Jablotron Ltd., declares that this CL-
302SL is in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 1999/5/EC. Original of the conformity
assessment can be found at the web page
, section Technical support.
Note: Dispose of batteries safely depending on
the type of the batteries and local regulation.
Although this product does not contain any
harmful materials we suggest you to return the
product to the dealer or directly to the producer
after usage
First install the electromechanical actuators in
the doors. Mechanical installation of actuators
to some car models can be complicated.
Therefore, we recommend professional
The actuators must be installed so that the
actuator's movement axis is the same as the
movement axis of the moving door lock. The
moving part of the actuator must be adjusted so
that when you lock or unlock with the key, the
moving part is centred in the middle of its
possible movement trajectory. Actuators with
five wires (CM-5) are for the front doors.
Actuators with two wires (CM-2) are for the rear
doors. After actuator installation, check by
hand that the locks move easily and smoothly.
Before you install the control unit, disconnect
the car battery. Then remove the fuse from the
holder on the wire harness provided with the
system. Keep in mind that if your car has some
memory functions built in, then these may be
erased if you disconnect the battery. Refer to
the car owners' manual before disconnecting
the battery.
Install the control unit in the passenger
compartment. The recommended location is
under the dash board.
Route the wire harness cables to each door.
Be sure that the cables will not be broken when
opening or closing the door. The end of the
cables are equipped with connectors: connect
the wires so that the colours correspond.
Blue = input of +12V signal from the ignition
key. This wire should be connected to the
ignition key switch (terminal 15). This signal will
prevent an accidental locking while driving and
resets the re-lock function (if used). If you
connect the blue wire to the GND, the
accidental locking protection will be cancelled.
White = door switch input (negative triggered).
This signal controls the re-lock function. We
recommend door switches be installed to all
doors of your car when you use the re-lock
function. This function is optional. Connect the
white wire to the GND to disable the re-lock
White/brown and Brown = unlock and lock
inputs (negative triggered with position switch in
front door actuators CM-5). These signals are
provided from the actuator's wire harness.
Black = GND Supply. Connect this wire to the
original GND point in the car.
Red = Positive Supply (the wire with a fuse
15A). It should be connected directly to the
positive terminal of the battery cable.
Blue/brown and green = actuator power
outputs. These two wires provide power for the
actuator motors.
2x Violet = turn indicator (blinkers) outputs -
these two wires provide power for the left and
right blinkers as a visual indication of locking
and unlocking.
Note: The wire coming directly from the
CL-302SL receiver unit is the remote control
antenna. The location of this wire will effect the
remote control working distance. Ideally, the
wire should be near a window.
remote controls
door swithes
+12V battery
CL 302SL
front door
rear door
rear door
front door
fig. 1 Basic installation

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