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GSM car alarm CA-1803BT „Athos“ 2/6 MHF56704
assign numbers to the names of functions displayed in the phone directory
from the SIM. See table 5.1 for setting the car alarm’s optional parameters.
Settings from the SIM card are read after its insertion and powering up.
via the Internet page www.GSMLink.cz
which is the most convenient
way. To register there you need the registration code printed on the warranty
card and the master code (factory default is MASTER).
by sending command SMS messages via a mobile phone, see
table 5.1.
The choice of the correct car alarm mode should be made first. If you
use the car alarm in such a way that it is operated by its original remote
controls (keyfobs), it is necessary to select MODE 2. The settings can
be done by storage in the SIM card (put RESET into the phone directory
as a name and add “2” to the phone number field) or by the SMS
command “MASTER RESET 1” which has to be sent to the car alarm’s
SIM card number. Performing a RESET is indicated by 4 beeps. The
factory default is RESET 0 without any function assigned, except that
the immobilization relay switches on after the ignition key has been
turned on. It is possible to put the car alarm to RESET 0 mode also in
the case, that its functionality should be cancelled entirely.
By carrying out a RESET, you delete all the car alarm settings as well
as all the previously enrolled remote controllers and wireless sensors.
See configuration table 5.1 for performing any subsequent settings.
5. Enrollment of remote controls and detectors
Up to 4 RC-8x remote controls and up to 8 JA-8x wireless detectors can
be enrolled. This mode only allows for the use of remote controls for
operating the HF-03 hands free set. The detectors can be enrolled as either
internal or external. When the car alarm is only partially armed, the detectors
enrolled as internal are excluded from the system (see 8 for operating the car
alarm). The external detectors perform protection for every type of arming.
Steps to enroll RC-8x remote controls:
1. The car alarm should be disarmed, with the ignition on.
2. Send the SMS instruction MASTER LEARN RC
3. The car alarm beeps 3 times and an LED starts to flash.
4. The RC-8x controller is enrolled by pressing buttons
simultaneously for approx. 3 sec. A siren chirp confirms the enrollment.
By enrolling the first remote control all other remote controls previously
enrolled will be erased (so enroll all the remote controls intended for use,
one by one).
5. Exit enrollment by turning the ignition off. The alarm confirms the
enrollment by sending an SMS message to authorized phones TEL1 to
Steps to enroll internal detectors:
1. The car alarm should be disarmed, ignition on.
2. To enroll the internal detectors, send the SMS command MASTER
3. The car alarm beeps 3 times and an LED starts to flash.
4. The detector is enrolled by inserting a battery. By enrolling the first
detector all detectors enrolled as internal will be erased (so, enroll all the
detectors which will be used as internal ones).
5. Exit enrollment by turning the ignition off. The alarm confirms enrollment
by sending an SMS message to authorized phones TEL1 to TEL4.
Steps to enroll external detectors:
1. The car alarm should be disarmed, ignition on.
2. To enroll the external detectors, send the SMS command MASTER
3. The car alarm beeps 3 times and an LED starts to flash.
4. The detector is enrolled by inserting a battery. By enrolling the first
detector all detectors enrolled as external will be erased (therefore, enroll
all the detectors which will be used as external ones).
5. Exit enrollment by turning the ignition off. The alarm confirms enrollment
by sending an SMS message to authorized phones TEL1 to TEL4.
If a detector is switched to delay mode, the alarm will provide a 20 second
entrance delay after the detector has been triggered. An exit delay of 20
seconds is provided to all enrolled detectors after the car alarm has been
If a sensor has been enrolled as an internal one, it can be re-enrolled as
an external one by its enrollment to the desired group.
If a group of detectors should be erased, take the same steps as with
enrollment, except that a “0“ should be added to the instruction (e.g. “LEARN
INT 0“). This starts enrollment and erases previously enrolled detectors. If no
new detectors should be enrolled, only turn the ignition off.
In the case of a low battery in any enrolled detectors a SMS report will be
sent to the first phone number stored in the car alarm’s memory.
Fig. 1: Wiring the alarm in RESET 2 mode. Wiring the alarm this way makes it possible to control the car’s central locking.

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