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GSM car alarm CA-1803BT „Athos“ 5/6 MHF56704
zz Factory default text zz Factory default text
SMS commands: 48 Telephone 4
01 AM 49 Telephone UC
02 DM 50 Telephone – MC
03 IMO 51 Wireless detector 1
04 UNIMO 52 Wireless detector 2
05 STATUS 53 Wireless detector 3
06 HELP 54 Wireless detector 4
07 CREDIT 55 Wireless detector 5
08 DIAL 56 Wireless detector 6
09 HF 57 Wireless detector 7
10 LOCATOR 58 Wireless detector 8
11 MC 59 Wireless controller 1
12 UC 60 Wireless controller 2
13 DIP 61 Wireless controller 3
14 TEL 62 Wireless controller 4
15 LEARN 63 Vehicle in move
16 SIREN Status information:
17 SET 64 Car alarm reports
18 AUXA 65 Status:
19 AUXB 66 Armed
20 GPS 67 Disarmed
21 TIME 68 Ignition key ON
25 ON 69 Ignition key OFF
26 OFF 70 Engine is blocked
Events: 71 Engine is unblocked
30 Alarm 72 No alarm
31 Alarm cancelled by a user 73 Alarm timeout
32 Fire alarm 74 Low battery voltage
33 Tamper alarm 75 Power failure
34 Disarming 76 Power recovery
35 Arming 77 Time
36 Low battery voltage 78 Low back-up battery voltage
37 Engine is blocked 79 Partially
38 Engine is unblocked 80 Location
Confirmation SMS:
40 Ignition key 81 Command accepted
41 Door contact 82 Command syntax error
42 INP1 activation 83 New MC code:
43 INP2 activation 84 New UC code:
44 Low battery voltage sensor 85 Reset
45 Telephone 1 86 Registered phone number:
46 Telephone 2 87 Credit:
47 Telephone 3 88 LEARN mode, enrolled
Use only ASCII character set during the text edition.
10. Functions related to GPS
An integrated GPS (Global Position System) allows the car alarm to
provide information about car location with a high precision. The location
can be obtained upon an SMS request or via the GSMLink internet web
page. A service for regularly sent location information is also available.
The car alarm is capable of recording all the car’s locations into internal
memory while the car is being used (optional).
Records can be used for statistics about car use (route listing etc.).
The information is also partially available via the GSMLink internet page.
Fully-fledged use is possible using a special service only. In that case, a
central monitoring station is required with information being automatically
downloaded. For more information, consult the manufacturer or visit the
web page.
10.1. Location detection using GPS
Using a GPS instruction, you can instantly detect the car’s location.
The car alarm responds with the coordinates of the latest known
location. If the current location is not available at the time of reception of
the instruction, or if the car alarm does not change its global position for
a while, the latest location stored in internal memory is sent. Therefore,
messages are supplemented with GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The
value corresponds to the time of detection related to the prime meridian.
In addition, information about altitude, velocity and local time of the GSM
network is provided. Information about location can be sent automatically
after an alarm has been triggered (see the DIP switches description).
An example of an instruction sent from an authorized phone: GPS
An example of response: Car alarm reports: Location:
(GMT:3.12.10:35) 50*43.495N;15*11.253E;515;50, Time:3.12.05 11:35
(GMT:3.12.10:35) Greenwich Mean Time (prime meridian)
50*43.495N;15*11.253E latitude and longitude
515 altitude (approximated)
50 current velocity
Time3.12.05 11:35 current local time
10.2. Time zone setting
To adjust the time information to local time, time zone setting is
possible. The car alarm adds/subtracts the time shift, expressed in
hours, to the GMT time (for middle Europe: +2 hours in summer time, +1
hour in winter time). This instruction is only available with the MASTER
Instruction: MASTER TIME ±xy
xy is the time shift in hours -3,-2 …+1,+2 relative to GMT
turns on automatic setting via incoming SMS.
10.3. Location change in the armed state
The car alarm allows you to supervise changes in the location of the
car in the armed state. See the corresponding SET parameter.
If switched ON, every change of car location detected during the
armed state triggers an alarm. Because the GPS receiver could be in
stand-by mode (due to energy saving) the car alarm could react with a
delay of up to 10 minutes. This function depends on the accuracy of
location determination; therefore only use this function as information,
not as a security function.
10.4. Integrated Bluetooth module (BT)
A Bluetooth module is supplied as a built-in part of the CA-1803BT car
alarm. The module allows the car alarm to communicate with nearby
devices equipped with Bluetooth connectivity. For devices like PDAs,
MBAs or mobile phones, such communication can make use of
navigation software running on these devices. When disarmed and with
the ignition key on, the car alarm sends GPS coordinates via the BT
which can be used for navigation. The car alarm authorization code for
device-pairing is 0000. The ignition key must be on during the pairing
If the car stands still for more than 10 minutes, GPS data transmission
may start with a delay of up to 1 minute.
11. Internet remote access
The web site www.GSMLink.cz enables car alarm remote control (to
users) and setting (to installers).
To get internet access to an installed and powered car alarm you will
first be asked to register your car alarm on the first page. You will find a
unique registration code for your car alarm on the warranty card.
12. Central monitoring station communication
The GSM communicator allows central monitoring via GPRS data
protocol. The central monitoring station (CMS) gets arming, disarming and
alarm information. It also regularly checks the communication link to the car
after it is armed. So if anyone tries to tamper with GSM communications, it
will indicate an alarm at the CMS.
13. Additional features
13.1. Car battery low voltage reporting
The built-in voltage drop detector can trigger an alarm if an electrical
device in the car is turned on while the car is armed. The sensor is active
10 minutes after arming.
13.2. Passive guarding
Via the DIP I parameter it is possible to block the car against starting up
the engine, if the ignition key is turned off for 5 minutes and the alarm is not
set. The function can be turned off by arming or disarming. It is also possible
to set up the parameter to send a STATUS SMS, which informs the user that
the alarm is not set; in the case that the ignition key is turned off for 60
minutes and the alarm was not set.
13.3. Remote siren activation
You can operate the siren remotely by the SIREN instructions. These
instructions are accepted from all authorized (stored) phone numbers.
Commands are also accepted from any unknown phone number if they start
with the USER code.
Instruction Status
SIREN ON activates SIR output permanently
SIREN OFF deactivate SIR output
SIREN activates SIR output for 30 sec.
xxM – is a numeric value of the
duration of SIR output activation, in
xxxS – as above, but in seconds.

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