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CA-01 Car Alarm „Pulse“ 2 / 1 MDM51401
CA-01 Car Alarm „Pulse“ - instructions, basic installation
The „Pulse“ brand name compact car alarm is suitable for all cars
equipped with 12V voltage and a negative ground. The CA-01 is easy to
install and suitable for D.I.Y. installers.
Arming of the „Pulse“ by the ignition key is simple and convenient. If
installed, arming can also be done by a hidden push button switch. The
CA-01 working mode is indicated by an LED indicator.
The built-in vibration detector has a digital filter which provides a high
immunity to false alarms. Its response, either a warning or alarm trigger, is
selectable. A built-in current sensor will trigger the alarm if an electrical
equipment is switched ON while the CA-01 is armed. The current sensor
activates 10 minutes after arming. This prevents the cooling fan from
triggering the alarm. A negative trigger input can be used for a hood and
trunk sensor, or for any additional detector. A negative door switch trigger
input provides an entrance delay and this link also works as an Automatic
Dome light control output.
When an ALARM is triggered, the built-in siren will sound. It is also
possible to add an optional external siren in the passenger compartment,
and a wireless pager. If an external immobilization relay is installed, any
unauthorized use of the car will be blocked.
Some features of the car alarm can be customized in the setting mode.
Basic installation of the „Pulse“ is very simple, but it can be extended if a
more advanced system is desired.
voltage 10 - 16VDC
consumption stand by 10mA, max. 2A
working temperature -40 to +125°C
instant input negative trigger
delay door switch negative inp. also courtesy light output
vibration detector digital filter, Warning or Alarm
current sensor 10 min. exit delay
external siren / immobil. relay output +12V, max. 0.8A
exit / entrance delay 30 / 15 sec. (selectable)
this product complies with E/ECE/324/1/96
complies with the essential requirements of: 89/336/EC EMC Directive -
Protection concerning electromagnetic compatibility when is used for its
intended purpose.
Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the web page
www.jablotron.cz, section Technical support.
Disconnect the battery before starting the installation. Keep in mind that if
your car has some memory functions, these may be erased if you
disconnect the battery. No one should be inside an airbag equipped car
when the car battery is being connected or disconnected. Refer to the car
owners' manual before disconnecting the battery.
The CA-01 unit is suitable for engine compartment installation. It can also
be installed in other locations if desired. Find a location which is not too
close to any hot objects (exhaust, radiator etc.) and which is not exposed to
water. Attach the unit firmly to a solid part of the car body using screws. A
firm fix will assure proper performance of the built-in vibration sensor. If you
drill a hole during the installation, be sure to avoid damaging any other
components of the car.
Route the CA-01 wires with the electrical harness of the car. Check
each connection made to ensure that it is solid and properly insulated.
Use only a real crimping tool to make connections. Complete and check
all wiring before switching on the power. If you do not use some wires,
cut them about 10cm from the car alarm unit and fix with insulating tape
to the other CA-01 wires.
BLACK = Grounding - connect this wire to the original GND point in the
BLUE = Ignition Key Input - connect the blue wire to the ignition key
switch (+12V when ignition is ON)
WHITE = Alarm Negative Trigger can be used for any external sensor
GRAY = Door Switches input, Dome Light Control output - is a negative
alarm trigger input. It also functions as the dome light control output.
Connect this wire to the door switches (we recommend to have switches
installed in all doors). When a door opens, and the CA-01 is armed the
alarm will be triggered (after entrance delay). With the system is disarmed,
opening the door turns on the interior dome light till the ignition key is
switched on (max. 30 seconds)
NOTE: The maximum load of the interior light can be 10W.
GREEN = External Immobilization relay or Siren output, +12V, max.
800mA (not used in basic installation)
YELLOW = LED indicator, drill a 6.5mm (4/16") diameter hole in the
dashboard and install the LED with its plastic holder. Connect the second
end of the wire from LED to the ground
RED = Positive Supply - connect this red wire to a direct inlet from the
positive terminal of the battery. Switch on the power after installation is
Arming - Switch on and off the ignition key twice within 3 seconds before
you exit the car. The car alarm will start making a ticking sound. This sound
indicates that you have a 30 seconds exit delay to leave the car and close
all the doors. After this period the CA-01 will arm (confirmed by one siren
chirp) and the LED indicator will start flashing.
If you hear four fast siren chirps when arming, it indicates that an
input is activated; for example, a door is not closed properly. If you do not
close the door, this input will be automatically disabled. The exit delay can
be terminated by switching on the ignition key.
Note: We recommend switching off the heater and air conditioner fan
before arming.
Disarming - After opening the car door (or after vibration detector
triggering) the car alarm will start to make a ticking sound. This sound
indicates that you have a 15 seconds of entrance delay (adjustable) to
switch on the ignition key. Disarming is indicated by two siren chirps and
the turning off of the LED. When the system is disarmed, opening the
door turns on the interior dome light till the ignition key is switched on
(max. 30 seconds)
If the siren chirps three times and the LED continues to flash, this
indicates the Alarm Memory. The Alarm Memory informs you that the
alarm was triggered since CA-01 was armed. You can see which input
triggered the alarm by the LED blinking pattern (see the following table).
The LED alarm memory indication is switched off automatically 1 minute
after switching on the ignition key.
LED indicator blinking what triggered the alarm
• • • •
door switch (delay input)
• • • • • •
hood switch (instant input)
• • • • • • • •
current consumption sensor
• • • • • • • • • •
vibration detector
Alarm - In alarm mode the siren sounds for 30 seconds and then the car
alarm will return to the armed mode. If an immobilization relay is installed,
it will block the engine (see advanced installation).
Accidentally triggered alarm - may be stopped by switching on the
ignition key. The car alarm will disarm, but the immobilization relay will
stay blocked if installed (see advanced installation).
Maintenance - There is no special maintenance required. We recommend
to check door, hood and trunk switch functions periodically.
Notes: Each of the detectors and trigger inputs can only trigger alarms a
maximum of four times during each arming period. The built-in digital filter of
the vibration detector will trigger the alarm only if multiple vibrations are
detected. This provides a high immunity to false alarms. The current
consumption sensor activates 10 minutes after arming, preventing the
cooling fan from triggering the alarm. If the power for car alarm is switched
off and then on again, the CA-01 will return to the same function it was in
before the disruption in power.

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