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AV-32/28X37SUE / LCT1330-001A-U / English
Design and specifications subject to change without notice.
Pictures displayed on the screen using this TV’s ZOOM functions should not be shown for any
commercial or demonstration purpose in public places (cafes, hotels, etc.) without the consent of
the owners of copyright of the original picture sources, as this constitutes an infringement of
Broadcasting systems CCIR B/G, I, D/K, L
Colour systems PAL, SECAM
The EXT terminals also support the NTSC 3.58/4.43 MHz system.
Channels and frequencies E2-E12, E21-E69, S1-S41, X, Y, Z, Z+1, Z+2, ITALY A-H, ITALY H+1, ITALY
H+2, F2-F10, F21-F69, R1-R12, R21-R69
French cable TV channel of broadcast frequencies 116 - 172 MHz and 220 -
469 MHz
Sound-multiplex systems A2 (B/G, D/K), NICAM (B/G, I, D/K, L) system
Teletext systems FLOF (Fastext), TOP, WST (World Standard System)
Power requirements 220 - 240 V AC, 50 Hz
Power consumption Maximum: 195 W, Average: 130 W,
Standby: 2.5 W
Maximum: 185 W, Average: 115 W,
Standby: 2.5 W
Picture tube size Viewable area 76 cm (measured
Viewable area 66 cm (measured
Audio output Rated Power output: 10 W + 10 W
Speakers (13 cm × 6.5 cm) oval × 2
EXT-1 terminal Euroconnector (21-pin, SCART)
Video input, Audio L/R inputs and RGB inputs are available.
TV broadcast outputs (Video and Audio L/R) are available.
EXT-2 terminal Euroconnector (21-pin, SCART)
Video input, S-VIDEO (Y/C) input, Audio L/R inputs and RGB inputs are
Video and Audio L/R outputs are available.
T-V LINK functions are available.
EXT-3 terminal Euroconnector (21-pin, SCART)
Video input, S-VIDEO (Y/C) input and Audio L/R inputs are available.
EXT-4 terminal RCA connectors × 3
S-VIDEO connector × 1
Video input, S-VIDEO (Y/C) input and Audio L/R inputs are available.
AUDIO OUT terminal RCA connectors × 2
Audio L/R outputs are available.
Headphone jack Stereo mini-jack (3.5 mm in diameter)
Dimensions (W × H × D) 948 mm × 562 mm × 550 mm 854 mm × 508 mm × 493 mm
Weight 52.5 kg 39.0 kg
Accessories Remote control unit × 1 (RM-C54)
AAA/R03 dry cell battery × 2
Body_Eng.fm Page 46 Friday, January 17, 2003 4:14 PM

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