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AV-32/28X37SUE / LCT1330-001A-U / English
controlled properly? Follow the
description “Picture Adjustment” on
page 19 to try to adjust them properly.
Videotaping teletext is not recommended
because it may not record correctly.
When a white and bright still image (such
as a white dress) is displayed on the
screen, the white part may look as if it
were coloured. It is a phenomenon
unavoidable due to the nature of the
picture tube itself, and not due to a TV
failure. When the picture disappears from
the screen, the unnatural colours will also
When viewing images from commercially
available video software products, or
videos from videotapes which have been
recorded improperly, the top of the image
may be distorted. This is due to the
condition of the video signal, and not
because of malfunction.
Poor sound
Have you adjusted BASS or TREBLE
properly? If not, follow the description
“Sound Adjustment” on page 23 to try to
adjust them properly.
When the TV channel reception is poor, it
can be hard to hear the stereo or bilingual
sound. In this case, follow the description
“STEREO / I • II” on page 23 to hear the
sound more easily by changing it to a mono
Operation disabled
Have the batteries of the remote control
become exhausted? Follow the
description “Putting the batteries into the
Remote control” on page 4 and replace
them with new batteries to try to solve the
Have you attempted to use the remote
control at the sides or rear of the TV or at
a location more than seven meters apart
from the TV location? Operate the remote
control in the front of your TV or a
location less than seven meters from your
TV to try to solve the problem.
When you are viewing a teletext
programme, you cannot operate the
menus. Press the b button to return the
teletext programme to the ordinary TV
programme to try operating the menus.
If the TV operation becomes disabled
suddenly, press the Main power button on
the TV and turn off the main power. Try
to press the Main power button again to
turn on the main power. If the TV returns
to a normal state, it is not a failure.
Other concerns
When the SLEEP TIMER function
operates, the TV is automatically turned
off. If the TV is turned off suddenly, try to
press the # (Standby) button to turn on
the TV once again. At this time, if the TV
resumes a normal state, there is no
When a WSS signal is included in the
broadcast signal or the signal from an
external device, or when the TV is
receiving a control signal from an external
device, the ZOOM mode will change
automatically. When you want to return to
the previous ZOOM mode, press the
c button to choose the ZOOM
mode again.
AV-32&28X37_Eng.book Page 44 Wednesday, January 15, 2003 11:56 AM

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