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Section 2 Installation
There may be 2 positions where the targets are strong. Select the one that
has the larger value of “TUNE PRESET”.
•Push the
to save and exit.
Relative BEARING alignment
This adjustment should be performed after installation or a master
reset to avoid incorrect bearing readouts and picture orientation. Using
the 1.5 NM range, identify a small target such as a boat or buoy that
can be seen both visually and on the radar. Point the boat so the target
is visually dead ahead. If the radar target does not also show on the
heading line proceed with this adjustment. In the Radar Adjust menu
select BEARING by
up/down, moving the hiliter, and
selecting by pushing the
. Move the dashed Electronic Bearing
Line (EBL) by
left/right to bisect the radar target that should
be dead ahead. Push the
once. Move the EBL to dead ahead
and push the
again to rotate the picture by the offset just
This step must be performed. Failure to perform this step may
result in incorrect target distance reading.
•Set the range scale to 0.25 NM.
• Locate a pier, a jetty, a bridge (close to water line) or any other straight
object. Position the vessel so that it appears on the display. It does not
matter which way you are facing.
•In the RADAR ADJUST menu, select DISPLAY TIMING by
up/down, and push
The DISPLAY TIMING pop-up menu is displayed.
•If the bridge, pier or jetty does not appear to be in a straight line on
the display, then the DISPLAY TIMING needs to be adjusted.
•Use the
right/left to adjust the timing and make the object
appear straight on the display.
when done.
This step must be performed. Failure to perform this step may
result in incorrect sea clutter suppressing.
•Set the range scale to 6 NM.
•Turn IR off, STC to maximum, and set gain to maximum.
•In the RADAR ADJUST menu, select STC PRESET by
up/down, and push
The STC PRESET pop-up menu is displayed.
•Use the
to remove all background noise from 0-3 NM.
when done.

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