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Selects and displays VRM1.
Switches between ON and OFF, and the function for which this switch if valid.
[VRM2] (Variable Range Marker 2) Switch
Selects and displays VRM2.
Switches between ON and OFF, and the function for which this switch if valid.
[VRM] (Variable Range Marker) Control
Changes the range of the VRM that is selected by VRM1 and 2.
[T/R VECT] (TM/RM Mode Select) Switch
Selects the ARPA vector display in the TM or RM mode.
[TGT DATA] (Target Data Setup) Switch
This switch is used to display numeric data of ARPA being tracked and AIS being displayed.
When this switch is depressed for two seconds, the numeric display next to symbols will be
turned on and off.
[ACQ MANUAL] (Manual Acquisition) Switch
This switch turns on and off manual acquisition of ARPA targets.
When this key is pressed, the cursor mode is changed to the manual acquisition setting mode.
[ACQ CANCEL] (Acquisition Cancel) Switch
This switch cancels the symbol and vector of an ARPA target being tracked, and stops tracking
the target.
If depressed for two seconds or longer, that tracking of all targets will be cancelled. (ARPA
When using with AIS, pressing this for two seconds, all targets will be paused and displayed.
[DAY/NIGHT] (Day/Night Mode Select) Switch
Switches the screen color and brilliance according to the DAY, DAY2, NIGHT1 and NIGHT2
Selects whether to use the ACQ MANUAL and ACQ CANCEL keys with ARPA or AIS.
[HL OFF] (Heading Line Off) Switch
The ship’s heading line (HL) can be cancelled as long as this switch is depressed.
While this switch is depressed, graphics other HL, the range ring, EBL and VRM will be deleted
[PANEL] (Operation Panel Brightness) Switch
Controls the brightness of the controls and switches on the operation panel.
The registered function is called. Also, if an option is connected, then this is used to operate that
At the time of factory shipments, it is set as ON of the function which switches the vector length
of "ARPA" in 60 minutes, and OFF.

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