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Safety Warnings & Advice
Thank you for purchasing the JML Halogen Oven.
JMLs Halogen Oven uses technology that cooks using infrared waves
from a halogen light source. It cooks 40% faster than a conventional oven,
pre-heats more quickly and roasts, bakes, defrosts and grills.
Unlike a microwave, food cooked in this oven is heated evenly without hot
and cold spots and without sogginess. It’s energy efficient, easy to use and
has a self cleaning function.
Faster, quicker, cleaner!
For indoor use only.
Always wear protective, insulated oven gloves or mitts when removing food items or handling
the Halogen Oven - THE OVEN GETS VERY HOT.
Unplug from the mains power socket when not in use.
Check the power cord and electric plug for signs of damage before use, do not use if
Always use the tongs provided.
Always use the handle to remove the glass lid from the glass bowl.
Ensure the Halogen Oven is clean and dry before use.
Keep the Halogen Oven out of reach of children and pets.
Only place food in the Halogen Oven before setting the timer or after pre-heating.
WARNING! - Only use on a safe, stable, heat-proof work surface
WARNING! - DO NOT touch the hot surfaces. Surfaces remain hot even after the Halogen
Oven is switched off.
WARNING! - When operating the Halogen Oven on a work surface keep the surrounding
areas clear and free from clutter. Ensure adequate air space surrounding the Halogen Oven
for circulation.
DO NOT operate the Halogen Oven with other major appliances plugged into the same
power socket – there is a risk of fusing the circuit.
DO NOT stare directly into the bulb.
DO NOT move the Halogen Oven when in use.
DO NOT immerse the glass lid, power cord or electric plug in water or other liquid.
DO NOT use in a manner other than directed.
DO NOT leave the product unattended whilst in use.
DO NOT place the Halogen Oven on or near a hot gas or electric hob or in a heated oven.
DO NOT allow the power cord to hang over the edge of surfaces.
DO NOT allow the power cord to touch any hot surfaces.
DO NOT disassemble or modify the Halogen Oven in any way.
DO NOT put oversized food into the Halogen Oven; the glass lid must be completely shut.
DO NOT use any accessories other than those supplied with the Halogen Oven.
DO NOT cover the Halogen Oven when in use.
DO NOT place paper, cardboard, plastic or other flammable materials in the Halogen Oven.
DO NOT touch the halogen bulb.
DO NOT attempt to repair the Halogen Oven, if necessary contact the Customer Helpline.
DO NOT operate the Halogen Oven near where aerosol products are being used.
EXTREME caution must be used when handling or disposing of hot oils or other liquids.
To make the best use of this
product and to use it safely, please
read these instructions thoroughly
and keep for future reference.
Safety Warning & Advice
Your Halogen Oven
Before use
Assemble your Halogen Oven
Using your Halogen Oven
First check that:
Thaw setting
Cooking times
Suggested recipe ideas
Cleaning and Care
Self-cleaning - ‘Wash’
General Cleaning and Care
Customer Helpline
Technical information
Technical Information
Fuse & mains plug replacement
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JML Halogen Oven.indd 3-4 12/11/08 11:09:47

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