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Using your Halogen Oven
If pre-heating is required, set the required temperature and set the time control to 10
minutes. Once the temperature has been reached the Halogen light will turn off, the food can
now be placed in the glass bowl and the correct cooking time can be set.
Caution: Take care the Halogen Oven will be hot.
Important Note: The time control MUST NOT be turned backwards (anticlockwise) this
may damage the timer. Take care to set the correct time required. If the time set is longer
than required, turn the Halogen Oven off and wait for the timer to naturally count down to the
time you require.
Warning: DO NOT touch the surface of the Halogen Oven – it will get extremely hot when in
use and will remain hot for some time after.
When removing the glass lid always use the handle as this will operate the safety switch and
turn the Halogen Oven off. The Halogen Oven will be very hot; it is strongly recommended
that oven gloves be used when removing the glass lid.
Thaw setting
The Halogen Oven has a thaw setting which is a low temperature that should be used to
defrost foods.
Important Note: Always ensure food is adequately thawed before cooking.
The cooking time depends on the size and weight etc. of the food to be cooked. Most meat,
for example comes with a recommended cooking time, these times should be used as a
guide as the Halogen Oven cooks faster than conventional ovens, so you may need to allow
less time to cook the food. For guidance, refer to the ‘Cooking times’ table on page 6.
To ensure the food is cooked use a cooking
thermometer or pierce the food with a
fork or skewer to check for uncooked
juice on meats, poultry etc. When cooking
vegetables check for tenderness.
Moisture may build up inside the Halogen
Oven when cooked food is not removed
soon after cooking time has expired. The
steam/moisture build-up can be avoided by
removing the food as soon as it is cooked.
Use the tongs provided to lift out the
cooking racks.
Always ensure food is piping hot inside
before serving.
Cooking times
Using the tongs
Halogen Oven cooking times
Food Temperature Time
Roast Chicken (1.6kg)
200ºC 70 min
Roast Beef (1kg)
180ºC 75 min
Cod Steak (150g)
200ºC 24 min
Chicken Breast (350g)
190ºC 20 min
Peppers (halved) 200ºC 34 min
Onion (whole, small) 200ºC 60 min
Potatoes (roast, small, cut in two) 200ºC 36 min
Parsnips (strips – 2cm diameter) 200ºC 36 min
Potato (baked, medium size) 200ºC 75 min
Onion (quarter) 200ºC 60 min
Yorkshire pudding (ready made) 200ºC 12 min
Oven Chips (frozen) 200ºC 18 min
The following recipe temperatures and cooking times are for guidance only; timings may vary
according to the weight of the food and individual taste.
Always ensure food is piping hot before serving.
Suggested recipe ideas
Baked crumb-toped Cod
Ingredients (serves 4):
4 x 150g skinless firm white cod steaks
1 beef steak tomato
1 medium leek
4 tablespoons stuffing mix
100g grated mature Cheddar cheese
1. Pre-heat the Halogen Oven to 200ºC
2. Wash and pat dry the fish steaks and
place on a baking sheet lined with baking
3. Thinly slice the tomato. Trim and shred
the leek. Arrange the sliced tomato over
the fish so they overlap and then pile on
the leek.
4. Sprinkle over the stuffing mix, and top
with the cheese.
5. Bake in the Halogen Oven for 10 – 15
minutes or until tender and cooked
5 6
JML Halogen Oven.indd 7-8 12/11/08 11:09:50

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