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If there is no sound from
any of the speakers:
Check that receiver/ampli-
fier is on and that a source is
Review proper operation of
your receiver/amplifier.
If there is no sound com-
ing from one speaker:
Check the Balance
control on your receiver/
Check all wires and connec-
tions between receiver/
amplifier and speakers.
Make sure no wires are
touching other wires or
terminals and creating a
short circuit.
Make sure all wires are
connected. Make sure none
of the speaker wires are
frayed, cut or punctured.
In Dolby* Digital or DTS
modes, make sure that the
receiver/processor is config-
ured so that the speaker in
question is enabled.
Turn off all electronics and
switch the speaker in ques-
tion with one of the other
speakers that is working cor-
rectly. Turn everything back
on, and determine whether
the problem has followed the
speakers, or has remained in
the same channel. If the
problem is in the same chan-
nel, the source of the prob-
lem is most likely with your
receiver or amplifier, and
should consult the owners
manual for that product for
further information.
If the
problem has followed the
speaker, consult your dealer
for further assistance or, if
that is not possible, visit
www.jbl.com for further
If the system plays at
low volumes but shuts
off as volume is
Check all wires and connec-
tions between receiver/
amplifier and speakers.
Make sure all wires are
connected. Make sure none
of the speaker wires are
frayed, cut or punctured.
If more than one pair of
main speakers is being used,
check the minimum imped-
ance requirements of your
If there is no (or low)
bass output:
Make sure the polarities
(+ and ) of the left and right
Speaker Inputs are
connected properly.
Consider adding a powered
subwoofer to your system for
use with digital .1 surround
If there is no sound from
the surround speakers:
Check all wires and con-
nections between receiver/
amplifier and speakers. Make
sure all wires are connected.
Make sure none of the
speaker wires are frayed,
cut or punctured.
Review proper operation of
your receiver/amplifier and
its surround sound features.
Make sure the movie or TV
show you are watching is
recorded in a surround sound
mode. If it is not, check to
see whether your receiver/
amplifier has other surround
modes you may use.
In Dolby Digital or DTS
modes, make sure your
receiver/processor is config-
ured so that the surround
speakers are enabled.
Review the operation of your
DVD player and the jacket of
your DVD to make sure that
the DVD features the desired
Dolby Digital or DTS mode,
and that you have properly
selected that mode using both
the DVD players menu and the
DVD discs menu.
Declaration of Conformity
We, Harman Consumer International
2, route de Tours
72500 Chateau-du-Loir
declare in own responsibility that the products
described in this owner’s manual are in compliance
with technical standards:
EN 50081-1:1992
EN 50082-1:1997
Gary Mardell
Harman Consumer International
Chateau-du-Loir, France 7/03

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