Pagina terug
Pagina verder
E50, E60, E80,
E90, E100
Speakers and electronics ter-
minals have corresponding (+)
and () terminals. It is impor-
tant to connect both speakers
identically: (+) on the speaker
to (+) on the amplifier and ()
on the speaker to () on the
amplifier. Wiring out of
phase results in thin sound,
weak bass and poor imaging.
To use the binding-post
speaker terminals, unscrew
the colored collar until the
pass-through hole in the cen-
ter post is visible. Insert the
bare end of the wire through
this hole; then screw the collar
down until the connection
is tight.
The hole in the center of each
collar is intended for use with
banana-type connectors. To
comply with European CE cer-
tification, these holes are
blocked with plastic inserts at
the point of manufacture. To
use banana-type connectors
requires the removal of the
inserts. Do not remove these
inserts if you are using the
product in an area covered by
the European CE certification.
The bi-wire connection
method requires one amplifier
and two sets of speaker wires.
By removing the shorting bars,
connections may be made to
the individual network
using four conductors,
one for
each of the four terminals.
For single-wire connection,
leave the shorting bars in
place and connect only a sin-
gle set of speaker wires (two
conductors) to the two upper
Bi-Wire Connections
MODELS: E30, EC35, E50
The supplied self-adhesive
rubber feet may be attached
to the bottom corners of your
speakers to protect your
MODELS: E60, E80, E90,
These models feature four
rubber feet that enable them
to be placed on a smooth-
surfaced floor, such as tile or
hardwood. Four metal spikes
are supplied for use when the
speaker is to be placed on a
carpeted surface, to decouple
the speaker from the floor and
prevent unwanted damping. To
insert the spikes, gently lay the
speaker on its side (not its
front or back) on a soft,
nonabrasive surface. Each
spike screws into the threaded
insert in the center of each
rubber foot. Make sure all
four spikes are screwed in
completely for stability.
NEVER drag the speaker to
move it, as this will damage
the spikes, the feet and/or the
wood cabinet itself. Always lift
the speaker and carry it to its
new location.
CAUTION: Floorstanding
(tower) loudspeakers have a
high center of gravity and may
become unstable and tip over
during earthquakes, or if
rocked, tipped or improperly
positioned. If this is a concern,
these speakers should be
anchored to the wall behind
them, using the same proce-
dures and hardware custom-
ary for anchoring bookcases
and wall units. The customer
is responsible for proper instal-
lation and proper selection of
High Frequency
Low Frequency
Speaker Outputs
+ +
Receivers Speaker Outputs

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