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3/44 WMS-10 + WBS-20 Wireless system
1. Antennas: Fixed-length UHF antennas permanently mounted on the front panel. Put these in vertical
position during use.
2. Power Indicator: The indicator LED lights when the receiver is ready to operate.
3. AF Indicator: The indicator lights to indicate that an audio signal is received.
4. Diversity A. B Indicators: These LEDs lights to show which antenna currently receives the RF Signal.
5. Balanced Output: 3-pin XLR connector provides balanced low-impedance output. If your audio mixer is
equipped with a balanced input, it’s better to connect the receiver using this XLR-output. Don’t forget to
set the mic/line switch (7) in the desired position.
6. Unbalanced Output: Unbalanced 6.3mm mono jack audio output. Can be used to connect a guitar am-
plifier or any other unbalanced audio mixer input. Don’t forget to set the mic/line switch (7) in the desired
7. Mic/Line Switch: used to select the output level of the XLR balanced connector or 6.3mm unbalanced
phone jack. It can be set for microphone (-20dB) or line-level (0dB).
8. Channel Selector: Use this rotary switch to choose one of the 16 available channels. Note that the se-
lected channel on the receiver should always be identical to that of the transmitter (hand mic or belt
9. Squelch Adj.: to prevent unwanted and disturbing noises, the squelch mutes the audio output of the
receiver when the detected RF-signals of the are too weak. With the squelch control you can determine
the minimum RF-signal level before audio output is not suppressed anymore. Setting the squelch too
high will reduce the range (max. distance) of the system. The squelch is already set in the factory so
normally you don’t need to change it. If you should adapt the squelch level for any reason, please set it
to minimum before turning the receiver on and then slowly adjust using trial and error method.
10. DC IN: DC input connector for the supplied AC adapter.
1. Grille: Protects the unidirectional microphone capsule and helps reduce breath sounds and wind noises.
2. Low Battery LED: this LED indicates the battery life
status. When the transmitter is switched ON:
LED is permanently on: the battery is still in good
LED flashes quickly: indicates that the battery has
insufficient power and should be changed soon.
LED fails to light: the battery is either dead or not
positioned correctly. You should correct the posi-
tioning or change the battery.
3. On/off Switch: press this button several seconds to
turn transmitter power on/off.
4. Battery Compartment: Insert two AA rechargeable or
dry (Alkaline) batteries into the compartment. Make
sure that the polarity of batteries is correct.
5. Channel Selector: Use this rotary switch to choose
one of the 16 available channels. Note that the se-
lected channel on the receiver should always be iden-
tical to that of the transmitter.
6. Battery Cover: unscrew it gently and slide it down to
open the battery compartment or have access to the channel selector (5).
7. Antenna: Built-in high gain helical antenna.
4/44 WMS-10 + WBS-20 Wireless system
1. Mini XLR Connector: The included electret lavalier microphone (or optional headset) is inserted into
this connector.
2. On/off Switch: press this button several
seconds to turn transmitter power on/off.
3. Low Battery LED: this LED indicates the
battery life status. When the transmitter is
switched ON:
LED is permanently on: the battery is
still in good condition.
LED flashes quickly: indicates that the
battery has insufficient power and should
be changed soon.
LED fails to light: the battery is either
dead or not positioned correctly. You
should correct the positioning or change
the battery.
4. MIC/LINE switch: used to change the sen-
sitivity or the mini XLR-input (1):
MIC: use this position when a headset or
lavalier microphone is connected.
LINE: use this position when a line level
unit (guitar, instrument, audio player, …)
is connected.
5. Antenna: Permanently connected helical
6. Channel Selector: Use this rotary switch to choose one of the 16 available channels. Note that the se-
lected channel on the receiver should always be identical to that of the transmitter.
7. Gain control: first set the desired input level to mic or line (4).
After this you can further fine-tune the input sensitivity to avoid
signal overload (distortion).
8. Lavalier Microphone: unidirectional condenser type, this dis-
cretely worn mic can be used to amplify all kinds of sounds.
(ex. enhance the voice of a teacher or speaker). This lavalier
microphone can be replaced by our HM-36U headset micro-
phone” (order code: 427), often used for aerobics etc.
9. Tie Clip: used to clip the lavalier on the tie or lapel of a person.
10. Battery Compartment: Insert two AA rechargeable or dry (Al-
kaline) batteries into the compartment. Make sure that the po-
larity of batteries is correct.
11. Battery Cover: unscrew it gently and slide it down to open the battery compartment or have access to
the channel selector (5).
Install the receiver in a ventilated location where it will not be exposed to high temperatures or humidity.
Placing and using the unit for long periods near heat-generating sources such as amplifiers, spotlights, etc.
will affect its performance and may even damage the unit.
The unit can be mounted in 19-inch racks: for this purpose a special 19” adapter (RP-WMIC) is available,
see below.
When installed in a booth or flight case, please make sure to minimize shocks and vibrations during trans-
To avoid condensation to be formed inside, allow the unit to adapt to the surrounding temperatures when
bringing it into a warm room after transport. Condense sometimes prevents the unit from working at full
Also check the extra notes in the chapter “SETUP and CONNECTIONS”

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