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1/44 WMS-10 + WBS-20 Wireless system
Thank you for buying this JB Systems
product. To take full advantage of all possibilities, please read these
operating instructions very carefully.
This unit is radio-interference suppressed. This appliance meets the requirements of the current European
and national guidelines. Conformity has been established and the relevant statements and documents have
been deposited by the manufacturer.
UHF wireless microphone system:
WMS-10: including WMIC-10 hand microphone
WBS-20: including WBP-20 belt-pack and lavalier microphone
Belt-pack and hand microphone can both be used with rechargeable batteries!
Belt-pack input with line/mic switch: can be used as guitar belt-pack!
Diversity reception for better stability and avoid signal dropouts
Adjustable squelch for stable reception, free from unwanted noise.
Tone squelch for improved reliability.
16 selectable frequencies via PLL synthesizer: up to 4 to 5 sets can be used together
Antennas on front panel for easy rack mounting
Optional “RP-WMIC” 19” adapter available for rack mounting of 1 or 2 receivers
Balanced XLR and unbalanced jack output
Frequency range: 863-865MHz (free use in most European countries)
Before you start using this unit, please check if there’s no transportation damage. Should there be any, do
not use the device and consult your dealer first.
Important: This device left our factory in perfect condition and well packaged. It is absolutely necessary
for the user to strictly follow the safety instructions and warnings in this user manual. Any damage caused
by mishandling is not subject to warranty. The dealer will not accept responsibility for any resulting defects
or problems caused by disregarding this user manual.
Keep this booklet in a safe place for future consultation. If you sell the fixture, be sure to add this user ma-
To protect the environment, please try to recycle the packing material as much as possible.
Check the contents:
Check that the carton contains the following items:
User manual
1x WR-10 diversity receiver
1x mono jack/jack cable
1x mains DC power adapter
WMS-10 system 1x WMIC-10 wireless mic
WBS-20 system 1x WBS-20 belt pack + Lavalier mic + windscreen + tie-clip
2/44 WMS-10 + WBS-20 Wireless system
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture.
To avoid condensation to be formed inside, allow the unit to adapt to the surrounding temperatures when
bringing it into a warm room after transport. Condense sometimes prevents the unit from working at full
performance or may even cause damages.
This unit is for indoor use only.
Don’t place metal objects or spill liquid inside the unit. No objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be
placed on this appliance. Electric shock or malfunction may result. If a foreign object enters the unit, im-
mediately disconnect the mains power.
No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on the appliance.
Prevent use in dusty environments and clean the unit regularly.
Keep the unit away from children.
Inexperienced persons should not operate this device.
Maximum save ambient temperature is 40°C. Don’t use this unit at higher ambient temperatures.
Always unplug the unit when it is not used for a longer time or before you start servicing.
The electrical installation should be carried out by qualified personal only, according to the regulations for
electrical and mechanical safety in your country.
Check that the available voltage is not higher than the one stated on the rear panel of the unit.
The Mains socket inlet shall remain operable for disconnection from the mains.
In order to avoid a hazard, the unit shall only be used with the AC-adaptor delivered with it. If the AC-
adaptor is damaged, a same model adaptor shall be used only.
No user serviceable parts inside.
In the event of serious operating problems, stop using the appliance and contact your dealer immediately.
Please use the original packing when the device is to be transported.
Due to safety reasons it is prohibited to make unauthorized modifications to the unit.
Take out the battery from transmitter, if the appliance has been not used for a longer period. This will
avoid the damage resulting from a defective leaking battery.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
This device may not cause harmful interference
This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired opera-
The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To comply with the FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, no change to the an-
tenna or the device is permitted. Any change to the antenna or the device could result in the device exceed-
ing the RF exposure requirements and void user’s authority to operate the device.
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not
remove the top cover. No user-serviceable parts inside.
Refer servicing to qualified service personnel only.
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within the equilateral triangle is intended to alert the
use or the presence of un-insulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that
may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock.
The exclamation point within th
e equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence
of important operation and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying
this appliance.
This symbol means: indoor use only
This symbol means: Read instructions
This symbol means: Safety Class II appliance

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