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Backing up and Restoring Your Content
Copy Jobs
Transferring Content to and from Your Iomega EZ Media & Backup Center with Copy Jobs
You can transfer content to and from your Iomega EZ using the Copy Jobs feature. Copy Jobs copies
files from one storage device to another, either by a set schedule or immediately by the user. An
example of a Copy Job scenario is if you keep pictures from your digital camera on a separate USB
drive, but you also want to maintain a backup of these pictures on your Iomega EZ . Using Copy Jobs,
you can create a task that copies your photos on the USB drive to a Share on your Iomega EZ , and
you can set that task to a schedule so the images automatically copy at a specific time. This ensures
that your photos are always safely backed up to your Iomega EZ in the event your USB device ever
fails or is lost.
Note: While a Copy Job copies all data from one NAS device to another, it does not copy permissions
or access rights from one NAS device to another.
All saved Copy Jobs display on the Copy Jobs page. From there, you can manually start and stop a
Copy Job, view Copy Job information, modify a Copy Job, check its last run status, and, if
applicable, view when the Copy Job is next scheduled to run.
When defining a Copy Job, you can copy data from or to any of the following:
Any NAS device automatically discovered on the same subnet as your Iomega EZ
Any NAS device that you manually add to the subnet using the Iomega Storage Manager
Any external storage device, such as a USB device, connected to your Iomega EZ
When selecting what data to copy on the source storage device, you can choose a specific folder or
all folders. You can also copy from a folder on an external storage device mounted to your Iomega
EZ .
When selecting the destination device, you can copy files to the top-level folder on the destination
device (the default option), or to an existing folder on this device, which adds the copied files into
You can manually start or stop a Copy Job by clicking start or stop buttons on the Copy Jobs page.
You can schedule a Copy Job to run automatically at a set day and time.
Copy Jobs Limitations
Copy Jobs does not establish a continuous replication or mirroring relationship between the
source and destination devices. You should not set up Copy Jobs for disaster recovery.

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