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Limited Warranty
Drives and Media
Excluded Products and Problems
Obtaining Warranty Service
Iomega warrants this hardware product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for
the warranty period. This non-transferable, limited warranty is only to you, the first end-user
purchaser. The warranty begins on the date of purchase and lasts for a period of one (1) year for
products purchased in the Americas, the Asia-Pacific region, or non-European Union nations in
Europe, the Middle East, or Africa; ninety (90) days for Iomega reconditioned products purchased in
these regions; or, two (2) years for products purchased by an end-user in member nations of the
European Union. Customers who register their new products at www.iomegareg.com within 90 days
of purchase will receive a warranty extension so that their total warranty shall be a period of three
(3) years in all regions. Reconditioned products are not eligible for a warranty extension.
Excluded Products and Problems
This warranty does not apply to: (a) Iomega software products; (b) expendable components such as
fuses or bulbs; or (c) third party products, hardware or software, supplied with the warranted
product. Iomega makes no warranty of any kind on such products which, if included, are provided
“AS IS.” This warranty does not cover damage caused by accident, misuse, abuse, failure to follow
instructions given in the product documentation, use of non-Iomega supplied or approved
replaceable components, exposure of media to excessive magnetic fields, external environmental
causes, or damage arising from any cause or causes for which Iomega is not responsible such as
exposure to abnormal temperatures, shock, power surges, power, outages, improper power supply,
or damage caused while the product is being shipped from you to Iomega .
Your sole and exclusive remedy for a covered defect is repair or replacement of the defective
product, at Iomega 's sole option and expense (shipping may be charged), and Iomega may use new
or refurbished parts or products to do so. If Iomega is unable to repair or replace a defective
product, your alternate exclusive remedy shall be a refund of the original purchase price.
The above is Iomega 's entire obligation to you under this warranty. IN NO EVENT SHALL IOMEGA BE
DAMAGES. In no event shall Iomega 's liability exceed the original purchase price of the drive or the
media disk. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
Obtaining Warranty Service
You must notify Iomega within the warranty period to receive warranty service. Just as technology
and market conditions vary, Iomega 's specific customer support policies (including fees for services)
and procedures change over time. To obtain information about Iomega 's current policies or warranty
service, please visit our website at www.iomega.com/supportpolicy.html or write to:

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