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Problem Cause Solution
The device
is very
loud during
The seat cover is not
fully in contact with
the base.
Ensure that the seat
cover is supported
over its entire area.
Heat function
cannot be
protection has been
Contact your
authorized dealer or
the service address.
The preset maximum
period of operation
has elapsed.
Let the device cool
down for at least 15
minutes before using
again. Switch the
device on again.
The connection to
the mains has been
Check the plug
connection and the
contact of the mains
plug with the mains
No massage. Appliance not
connected to the
mains power supply.
Make all connections
and switch on the
Device not switched
Switch the device
on with “ON/OFF”.
Press “PROGRAM” or
and select the
protection tripped,
device is damaged.
Contact your
authorized dealer or
the service address.
Always disconnect the device before cleaning it. Only
must never be allowed to enter into the device or
accessories. Do not use the device again untill it is
completely dry.
First unplug the device and allow it to cool off. Then you
can clean it with a cloth which is no more than lightly
moistened. You can also use a mild detergent.
Never immerse any part of the device in water or any
other liquid to protect against electrical hazards.
The removable cover is machinewashable at 40°C. Please
note the cleaning and care symbols on the label which is
sewn into the cover.
Handle the device with care, protect the device from
impact with hard objects and do not drop it.
unit plug from the mains.
• You can place the hand switch in the storage case
during and after use.
Always wear light clothing when receiving a massage
from the device.
• To receive a more gentle massage, insert a folded
towel between the massage device and your body.
• Do not use the massage device for longer than 30
minutes. Otherwise, using the device for longer can
over-stimulate the muscles and cause tension instead
of relaxation.
• Do not use the massage device just before going to
bed. The massage can also have a stimulating effect
The massage seat cover can also be used in the car with
the car adapter supplied. Plug the car adapter connector
plug into the connection jack on the device. Plug the car
adapter into the cigarette lighter jack or an alternative
12 V jack (e.g. trunk). Operation proceeds as described
WARNING! Never have a massage with the massage
seat cover while you are driving a car yourself.
The massage, as well as the device setting, distracts you
must never be impaired by the device. Therefore only
use this device as a passenger or if you take a break
and the vehicle is stationary. Please note that if the
engine is off the battery can discharge under certain
circumstances. For some vehicles the 12V jack only
works when the engine is on. A massage with this seat
cover can be very relaxing and regenerating while taking

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