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cases, consult your doctor.
• Do not use the massage device in bed. You must never
fall asleep during use.
• Always return the appliance after a malfunction, or if
it has been damaged in any manner to the Customer
Service Department for examination, repair or
adjustment as special purpose tools are required.
• An electrical appliance is not a toy, and should
therefore always be placed outside the reach of
children. Children are not always able to understand
potential risks. Teach children a responsible handling of
electrical appliances.
• If you decide never to use the appliance again, we
advise you to dispose of it in special containers or at a
municipal waste collection point.
• Never use the appliance if it is not working properly,
or if it has been damaged. Any intervention other than
cleaning and normal maintenance by the customer
must be carried out by an approved service centre.
• The zip fastener on the Shiatsu massage device must
the manufacturing of the device.
• Never insert any objects into openings on the device,
and never insert anything into the rotating parts. Make
sure that all moving parts can move freely at all times.
• Make sure that no hair can get caught in the device.
Avoid contact with sharp or pointed objects.
• Never sit or stand on the device with all your weight
and do not place objects on the device.
• If the appliance is used for other purposes than
intended, or is it not handled in accordance with the
instruction manual, the full responsibility for any
consequences will rest with the user. Any damages to
the product or other things are not covered by the
as follows:
• Carefully unpack the appliance and remove all the
packaging material.
• Keep the material (plastic bags and cardboard) out of
reach of children.
• Check the appliance after unpacking for any damage,
possible from transportation.
• Secure the protective cover on the surface of the
massage seat cover using the Velcro strips where the
seat joins with the backrest, on the reverse side at
the front under the seat surface and at the top in the
shoulder area. It is also possible to massage without
the protective cover; this is generally found to be
• Position the seat cover upright on a suitable seat
with seating surface and backrest (chair, sofa, or
similar). Ensure that the seat cover is supported over
seat cover.
• Connect the power supply unit and the seat cover with
the plug connector.
• Connect your device to the mains by plugging the
power supply unit into the mains outlet.
The massage must be pleasant and relaxing at all times.
Stop the massage or change the position of the massage
1. ON/OFF button with control LED
Switch on and off
2. INTENSITY button with control LEDs
Select massage intensity
3. HEAT button with control LED
Switch the heat function on and off
4. MASSAGE ZONE button with control LEDs
Switch the various massage zones on and off
5. PROGRAM button with control LEDs
Select massage program
6. TIMER button with control LEDs
Select switch-off times
7. Connection cable to the device
The control LEDs indicate which functions are currently
selected and which massage zones are activated.
• Sit comfortably on the seat cover. Take care that you
sit centered and your body is in good even contact with
the seat cover.
• Switch on the massage device with the “ON/
OFF”button. The massage intensity is preset to level 1.
• Press the “PROGRAM” button or at least one of the
“MASSAGE ZONES” buttons to start the massage.
• If you wish to have a long massage with individual
massage zones or all of them, select the massage
zones with their respective buttons. The massage zones
activated are displayed with the LEDs.
• The automatic switch-off function is activated by
starting the massage and is preset to 20 minutes. You
can set the automatic switch-off function to 10, 20 or
30 minutes by pressing the “TIMER” button.
Please note that changing the timer setting makes the
timer start to count again from the beginning. To avoid
overheating the device, select the maximum massage
duration at the beginning of the massage and do not
change it during the massage.
• If you would like a massage with one of the various
programs, select the required program with the
“PROGRAM” button.
The 5 massage programs are characterized by different
sequences of massage zones and massage intensities.
• Press the “INTENSITY” button to select of the 3
possible massage intensities.
• Press the “HEAT” button to switch the heat function in
the lumbar region on and off.
• Do not use the massage device for longer than 30
pressing the “ON/OFF” button.

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