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7.2 Song sharing
F4MC is equipped with the “SONG SHARING” feature, to share the music streaming among
two Interphone MC units.
Start/Stop sharing
Press UP (2) buon unl the beep to start/stop
the song sharing with Interphone “A” (unit nr.3
chapter 4.3 - Pic.5)
Press DOWN (3) buon unl the beep to start/
stop the song sharing with Interphone “B” (unit
nr.2 chapter 4.3 - Pic.5)
During the sharing is possible to start an intercom session, as indicated in the following
On MC unit that is
sharing the music
Press the MFB (1) buon to acvate the
Press again the MFB (1) buon to start an
intercom call.
On MC unit that is
receiving the music
Press the MFB (1) buon to start an intercom
7.3 Important informaons for “MUSIC STREAMING” feature
Only Bluetooth® devices supporng A2DP prole can stream stereo music to F4MC.
Only Bluetooth® devices supporng AVRCP can be managed by F4MC.
The song sharing feature couldn’t be used to share other audio sources , like GPS,
Phone calls or intercom calls.
The song sharing feature is opmized to work with Interphone devices of MC range.
Using this feature, with other device, could bring a decrease of listening quality on
the headset unit, that will receive the music shared.
The listening audio quality is strictly connected to the quality of music source
(bitrate and codec type of audio le, quality of Bluetooth® player, etc.).
When the signal strength is not enough weak to acvate the re-tune to
an alternave frequency, the listening quality could be decreased due to
the low quality of signal. FM staons listening is strongly inuenced by the
environment (EMC noise, poor signal coverage, etc).
During the FM radio listening, it is possible to go in Standby mode (led BLUE (6) ashing-
menu “INTERCOM”), pressing the MFB (1) buon.
7 – Music streaming
With F4MC is possible to listen to music from an A2DP Bluetooth® device (smartphone,
MP3 player, etc..). To play music from these devices is necessary to pair the F4MC unit
with the music source device (Chapter 5.1).
7.1 Music play
With F4MC in Standby mode (led BLUE (6) ashing), push DOWN buon for three mes
and then press the MFB (1) buon to acvate the “MUSIC STREAMING” menu.
Push the MFB (1) buon unl the beep
to play/pause the music.
Track select
Press UP (2) or DOWN (3) buon to
select the previous or the next track.
During the music listening, it is possible to go in Standby mode (led BLUE (6) ashing-
menu “INTERCOM”), pressing the MFB (1) buon. To resume the music listening it will be
necessary to go again into “MUSIC” menu, as described at beginning of this chapter.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Interphone-Cellularline F4MC

Interphone-Cellularline F4MC Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Interphone-Cellularline F4MC Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Interphone-Cellularline F4MC Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 12 pagina's

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