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Start and
Programmes Laundry
Warnings and
Maintenance and
Care Troubleshooting Service
! Do not use extension cords.
! The power cord must not be bent or squashed.
! The power supply cord should be checked periodically
and replaced by a cord specially prepared for this dryer
and fitted only by authorised technicians (see
Service). New or longer power cords are supplied at
an extra charge by authorised dealers..
! The manufacturer denies any responsibility should
any of these rules not be followed.
! If in doubt about any of the above consult a qualified
Levelling your dryer
The dryer must be installed level for correct operation.
When you have installed
your dryer in its final
location check that it is
level first side to side,
then front to back.
If the dryer is not level,
use a wooden block to
support it while adjusting
the two front legs up or
down, until your dryer is
Before you start using your dryer
Once you have installed your dryer and before you
use it, clean the inside of the drum to remove any
dust that could have accumulated during transport.
Open window venting
The end of the tube
should be directed
downwards, to prevent
warm moist air from
condensing in the room
or in the dryer.
! Ensure that the dryer is adequately ventilated and
that the end of the vent tube is not directed towards
the air intake duct.
! The vent tube must always be fitted for optimum
! Make sure that the vent tube and air intake vents
are not obstructed or blocked.
! The dryer must not recycle exhaust air.
! Misusing a tumble dryer may create a fire hazard.
! Do not discharge exhaust air into a flue which is
used for exhaust fumes from other appliances that
burn gas or other fuels.
Electrical connections
Make sure of the following before you insert the plug
into the the electrical socket:
The socket must be grounded.
The socket must be able to sustain the machines
maximum power, which is indicated on the rating
label (see Dryer Description).
Power voltage must be within the values indicated
on the rating label (see Dryer Description).
The socket must be compatible with the dryers
plug. Should this not be the case, replace the
plug or the socket.
! The dryer must not be installed outdoors, even if
the space is sheltered. It can be very dangerous if it
is exposed to rain or storms.
! Once installed, the dryers electrical wire and plug
must be within easy reach.

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