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! Ensure that the end of the tube is not directed
toward the air intake vent at the rear of the dryer.
! The vent tube should not exceed 2.4 metres in
length and should be kept free of any possible
accumulation of fluff, lint and water by shaking it out
frequently. Always ensure that the tube is not
Permanent venting
In conjunction with the vent tube we recommend
using a Wall/Window Vent Kit, available at a retail
location or the nearest Spare Parts Dealer.
Wall mounting
1. Leave an opening in
the wall to the left of the
dryers proposed position.
2. Keep the tube as short
and straight as possible
to prevent condensed
moisture from backing up
into the dryer.
3. Similarly, the duct in
the wall should slope
downwards towards the
Window mounting
1. With a stacked dryer
the hole in the window
should ideally be made
below the vent.
2. The tube should be
kept as short as possible.
Depending on how often you use your dryer, it is
essential that areas A and B are checked periodically
to remove lint or debris.
The vent tube adaptor must be fitted securely thus
preventing any humid air from being emitted back into
the room.
! The Dryer should not be pushed so far back that the
tube adaptor is pulled out of position or the tube is
squashed or bent.
! The tube should be kept clear of the air intake vent
and kinks or ‘U’ bends must be avoided as these will
obstruct the tube or trap condensation.
! Keep this instruction booklet on hand in order to
refer to it when necessary. Take it with you when you
move, and, should you sell this appliance or pass it
on to another party, make sure that this booklet is
supplied along with the dryer so that the new owner
may be informed about warnings and suggestions on
how the dryer works.
! Read these instructions carefully; the following
pages contain important information on installation
and suggestions on how the appliance works.
Where to put your dryer
Place your dryer at a distance from gas ranges,
stoves, heaters, or cook tops because flames can
damage the appliance.
If you are going to install the appliance under a
work counter, be sure to leave a 10mm space
between the top and any other objects on or
above the machine and a 15mm space between
the sides and lateral furnishings or walls. This is
to ensure proper air circulation. Make sure that
the back vents are not obstructed.
Make sure you put your dryer in an environment
that is not damp and has proper air circulation
The Dryer dries your laundry by drawing in cool, clean
and relatively dry air, heating it, and then
distributing it through the clothes as they are gently
tumbled. For optimum performance, the moist air is
then blown out through a vent tube at the back of the
When the dryer is in use, there has to be adequate
ventilation to avoid the back flow of gases into the
room from appliances burning other fuels, including
open fires.
Mobile venting
A vent tube must always be fitted when the dryer is
used in conjunction with Mobile Venting.
The tube must be fitted securely into the back of the
dryer (see Dryer Description). If possible, it is always
best to connect the tube to a permanent
outlet close to the dryer. If permanent installation is
not possible, the dryer will work just as well with the
tube passing through a partly-opened window.

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