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5019 618 33068/A
Electrical connection
The mains voltage must match that given on the rating plate
located inside the hood. If provided with a plug, connect the
hood to a socket complying with the current regulations and
located in an accessible area. If it does not have a plug (direct
connection to the power supply) or if the plug is not in an
accessible place, fit a suitable double-pole switch that ensures
complete disconnection from the power supply in category III
overvoltage conditions, complying with the installation rules.
WARNING: Before reconnecting the hood circuit to the
power supply and checking correct operation, always make
sure the power cable is correctly fitted and that it was NOT
crushed in its housing during installation. Make sure to have
this operation carried out by a specialised technician.
Cleaning the hood
WARNING: Failure to remove oil/grease (at least once a
month) could result in fire.
Use a soft cloth with a neutral detergent. Never use abrasive
substances or alcohol.
Before using the hood
Please read these instructions carefully and keep them for
future reference, in order to ensure best use of your hood.
The packing materials (plastic bags, polystyrene, etc.) are a
potential source of danger and must be kept out of the reach
of children.
Make sure the hood has not been damaged during transport.
Declaration of conformity
This product has been designed, manufactured and put on
the market in conformity with:
- safety objectives of the “Low Voltage” Directive
2006/95/EC (which replaces 73/23/EEC as amended)
- protection requirements of “EMC” Directive 89/336/EEC
amended by Directive 93/68/EEC.
Troubleshooting guide
If the hood does not work:
Is the plug properly inserted in the power socket?
Is there a power failure?
If the hood is not extracting enough:
Is the right speed selected?
Do the filters need cleaning or replacing?
Are the air outlets blocked?
If the lamp does not work:
Does the lamp need replacing?
Is the lamp correctly fitted?
Before calling the After-Sales Service
1. Check to see if you can fix the problem yourself
(see “Troubleshooting Guide”).
2. Switch the appliance off and then on again to check if the
problem has been eliminated.
3. If the problem persists, contact the After-Sales Service.
the type of fault,
the product model given on the dataplate inside the
hood, visible on removing the grease filters,
your full address,
your telephone number and area code,
the Service code (the number under the word SERVICE
on the dataplate inside the hood, behind the grease
If any repairs are necessary, contact an authorised Service
Centre (to ensure the use of original spare parts and correct
Failure to comply with these instructions can compromise
the safety and quality of the product.

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Ikea FRAMTID HW380 Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 32 pagina's

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