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5019 618 33068/A
1. Packing
Packing materials are 100% recyclable and are marked with
the recycling symbol .Comply with the local regulations for
disposal. The packing materials (plastic bags, polystyrene,
etc.) are a potential source of danger and must be kept out of
the reach of children.
2. Product
This appliance is marked in compliance with European
Directive 2002/96/EC, Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE).
By ensuring that this appliance is correctly scrapped, the user
can help prevent potentially harmful consequences for the
environment and the health of people.
The symbol on the product or the accompanying
documentation indicates that this product should not be treated
as domestic waste but must be taken to a suitable collection
centre for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.
Disposal must be carried out in compliance with local
regulations on waste disposal.
For further information on the treatment, recovery and
recycling of this product, contact the competent local office,
the household waste collection service or the shop where
you purchased the appliance.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of accidents, electric
shock, injury or damage, when using the hood comply with
the basic precautions, including the following.
1. Always disconnect the hood from the power supply
before carrying out any installation or maintenance
operation on the appliance.
2. Installation must be carried out by a specialised
technician, in compliance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and local safety regulations.
3. Earthing of the appliance is compulsory. (Not possible for
Class II hoods).
4. Never use multisockets and extension leads.
5. The electrical components must no longer be accessible
to the user after installation.
6. Do not touch the hood with wet parts of the body or use
it when barefoot.
7. Do not pull the appliance power cable to unplug it.
8. After-sales service – do not repair or replace any part of
the hood unless specifically indicated in the manual. All
other maintenance services must be carried out by a
specialised technician.
9. When drilling the wall, make sure not to damage the
electrical connections and/or pipes.
10. The ventilation ducts must always discharge to the
11. The Manufacturer declines any liability for improper use
or incorrect setting of the controls.
12. The appliance is not intended for use by children or
persons with limited physical, sensory or mental abilities
or without experience and knowledge of it, unless they
are under the supervision of or instructed in its use by a
person responsible for their safety.
13. Keep children away.
14. To reduce the risk of fire, only use a metal inlet duct.
15. Children must be supervised so that they do not play
with the appliance.
16. The product must be disposed of in compliance with
local regulations on waste disposal.
17. For further information on the treatment, recovery and
recycling of this product, contact the competent local
office, the household waste collection service or the shop
where you purchased the appliance.
18. Regular cleaning and maintenance is essential for correct
hood operation and good performance. Frequently clean
all encrustations from dirty surfaces to prevent the
accumulation of grease. Regularly clean or replace filters.
19. Do not “flambé” food under the hood. Naked flames
could cause a fire.
20. The room must have adequate ventilation when the hood
is used at the same time as appliances operating on gas or
other fuels.
21. The discharge air must not be eliminated in a duct used
to remove fumes produced by appliances operating on
gas or other fuels, but must have a separate outlet. All the
national regulations on air discharge envisaged by art.
7.12.1 of CEI EN 60335-2-31 must be observed.
22. If the hood is used together with other appliances
operating on gas or other fuels, the negative pressure in
the room must not exceed 4 Pa (4 x 10
bar). Therefore,
make sure the room is adequately ventilated.
23. Do not leave pans unattended when frying, since the
cooking oil could catch fire.
24. Make sure the lamps are cold before touching them.
25. The hood is not a shelf, therefore do not overload or
place objects on it.
26. Do not use or leave the hood without its lamps correctly
installed - risk of electric shock.
27. Wear work gloves for all installation and maintenance
28. The product is not suitable for outdoor use.
29. The air sucked by the hood must not be eliminated
through the same flue of the heating system or other
appliances using gas or other fuels.

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Ikea FRAMTID HW380 Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 32 pagina's

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