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9.2.2 TUrninG direcTion of spindle
Use the coupling lever to select the turning direction.
9.2.3 selecTinG speed ranGe of main spindle
Choose the speed range by means of speed switch high/low and a lever with four positions. The four speeds (in the
high/low range) are displayed on the machine shield. Put both levers in the appropriate position for the requested
Only change the speed when the spindle has come to a standstill!
9.2.4 sTarTinG periode
It is recommended not to use the highest speeds when starting the machine for the first time. Proceed as follows:
Select a low feed speed and load the machine lightly, during 3 hours, at 460 RPM, then 2 hours, at 755 RPM, then 1
hour, at 1255 RPM.
Follow this order when putting the machine into operation.
Note: If not used, disconnect the pin of the thread cutting dial from the thread cutting axis to avoid wear.
9.2.5 hole ThroUGh spindle
Camlock DI-4”
Install jaw chucks, catch plates and other tools that are mounted on the spindle:
check if the hole and the surface are clean,
check if all camlocks are open,
install the tool on the hole through the spindle and attach all camlocks (turn clockwise).
Mark off a reference line on the tools, in the extension of the reference line on the hole through the spindle. This
makes clamping a tool again much easier.
Note: For correct locking condition, each cam must be tightened with its index line between the two “V” marks
on the nose.
Do not interchange chucks or other attachments without checking each cam lock for correct locking!
9.2.6 adjUsTinG The camlock
Figure 4
Remove lock screw (B). Turn bolt (A) once in or out as required. Tighten lock screw.
Note: Each cam lock has a reference sign (C) to indicate the original setting.
9.3 Thread and feed selecTion
All available feeds and threads are adjusted by using the charts that can be found on the front of the cover.
9.3.1 manUal operaTion
The hand wheel is used to move the bed slide. The cross slide is moved by means of the hand wheel, that is fastened
on top of it, and the tool slide by using the hand wheel of the tool slide. The bed slide can be locked, by turning the
tightening nut clockwise.
9.3.2 replacinG The chanGe Gears
Remove the cover, loosen the hex nut of the locking bolt and. After that loosen the locking bolt of the suspen-sion to
replace the transmission gear. The drive gear can be replaced after loosening bolts 120 T and 127 T.
9.3.3 aUTomaTic feed operaTion
First, engage the lever for the feed direction and install the change gear 30 T on the transmission shaft and change
gear 127 T on the drive shaft. Turn the selector handle for feed/thread cutting counter-clockwise. Put the handles of
the gear box in position 1-8 e.g. A-E, to enable the feed shaft to turn. When the handle for the feed shaft is pulled out
and pushed upwards, longitudinal feed is achieved. By pushing the handle in and downwards, cross feed is achieved.
The feed direction is selected by using the handle on the headstock. There are 40 different speeds available for
longitudinal and cross feed. Choose the speed by moving the handles of the gear box.

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