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Do not attempt to disassemble your product. Only Fly authorized personnel should perform the service.
Children: do not allow children to play with your mobile phone or its accessories. They could hurt themselves or others,
or could accidentally damage the mobile phone or accessory. Your mobile phone or its accessory may contain small
parts that could be detached and create a chocking hazard.
Disposing of the battery: please check local regulations for disposal of batteries. The battery should never be placed in
municipal waste. Use a battery disposal facility if available.
Your mobile phone and your car
Studies have shown that speaking on the telephone while driving lowers your concentration, which can be dangerous.
Adhere to the following guidelines:
- Give your full attention to driving. Pull off the road and park before using the phone.
- Respect the local regulations in countries where you drive and use your GSM phone.
- If you want to use your phone in a vehicle, install the hands-free car kit which is designed for that purpose.
- Ensure that your phone and car kit do not block any air bags or other security devices fitted in your car.
The use of an alarm system to operate a vehicle's light or horn to indicate incoming phone calls is prohibited on public
roads in some countries. Check local regulations.
EN 60950 Norm
In hot weather or after prolonged exposure to the sun e.g., behind a window or a windscreen), the temperature of your
phone's casing might increase, especially when featuring a metallic finish. Be very careful in this case when picking up
your phone and also avoid using it with an ambient temperature over 40° C or below 5° C.
Environmental care
Remember to observe the local regulations regarding the disposal of the packaging materials, exhausted batteries and
old phone and please promote their recycling. HUMMER HT2 has marked the battery and packaging with standard
symbols designed to promote the recycling and appropriate disposal of your eventual waste.
WEEE Marking in the DFU: "Information to the Consumer"

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