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as avoiding unnecessary navigating in the menus will also help to save the battery's energy for longer phoning and
stand-by performances.
Battery information
You should only use HUMMER HT2 Authentic battery and accessories, as the use of any other accessories may damage
your phone and may be dangerous, and will make all guarantees for your HUMMER HT2 null and void. The use of an
incorrect type of battery may also cause an explosion. Make sure damaged parts are replaced immediately by a qualified
technician and that they are replaced with genuine HUMMER HT2 replacement parts.
Precautions when using batteries
- Never use any charger or battery that is damaged in any way.
- Use the battery only for intended purpose.
- No indication of charging: When you start charging a battery that is empty or a battery that has not been used for a
long time, it may take up to 30 minutes before the battery icon appears in the display.
- If you use the phone near the network’s base station, it uses less power; talk and standby times are greatly affected
by the signal strength on the cellular network and the parameters set by the network operator.
- Battery charging time depends on the remaining battery charge and the type of battery and charger used.
The battery can be charged and discharged hundreds of times, but it will gradually wear out. When the operation time
(talk time and standby time) is noticeably shorter than normal, it is time to buy a new battery.
- If left unused, a fully charged battery will discharge itself over time. When charging after complete discharge, the
phone will not display anything for about 30 minutes.
- Use only approved chargers. When a charger is not in use, disconnect it from the power source. Do not leave the
battery connected to a charger for more than a week, since overcharging may shorten the battery life.
- Extreme temperatures will affect the charging capacity of your battery: it may require cooling or warming first.
- Do not leave the battery in hot or cold places, such as in a car in summer or winter conditions, as it will reduce the
capacity and lifetime of the battery. Always try to keep the battery at room temperature. A phone with a hot or cold
battery may not work temporarily, even when the battery is fully charged. Li-ion batteries are particularly affected by
temperatures below 0°C (32°F).
- Do not short-circuit the battery. Accidental short-circuiting can occur when a metallic object (coin, clip or pen) causes
a direct connection between the + and terminals of the battery (metal strips on the battery), for example, when you
carry a spare battery in a pocket or bag.
- Short-circuiting the terminals may damage the battery or the object causing the short-circuit.
- Dispose the used batteries in accordance with local regulations. Always recycle. Do not dispose of batteries in a fire.
Markings used on the battery
Warning: may explode if disposed of in fire.
Do not use your product in an area where a potentially explosive atmosphere exists.
Do not expose your product to open flames or lit tobacco products.
Do not expose the battery to extreme temperatures, near above +60°C (+140°F). For maximum battery capacity, use
the battery in room temperatures.

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