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l Put your device in a safe place to prevent unauthorised use.
l Set your device screen to lock and set a password or unlock pattern.
l Periodically back up personal information stored on your memory card or your device memory. If
you change to a different device, be sure to move or delete any personal information on your old
l Do not open messages or emails from strangers to prevent your device from becoming infected
with a virus.
l When using your device to browse the Internet, do not visit websites that might pose a security risk
to avoid your personal information from being stolen.
l If you use services such as the portable Wi-Fi hotspot or Bluetooth, set passwords for these services
to prevent unauthorised access. Turn these services off when they are not in use.
l Install device security software and regularly scan for viruses.
l Be sure to obtain third-party applications from a legitimate source. Downloaded third-party
applications should be scanned for viruses.
l Install security software or patches released by Huawei or authorised third-party application
l Using unauthorised third-party software to update your device may damage your device or put your
personal information at risk. It is recommended that you update through your device's online
update feature or download ofcial update packages for your device model from Huawei.
l Some applications require and transmit location information. As a result, a third-party may be able
to share your location information.
l Some third-party application providers may collect detection and diagnostic information on your
device to improve their products and services.
For More Information
You can use the following methods to obtain more information about Huawei tablets:
l For product information and other details, please visit http://consumer.huawei.com/en.
l You can nd a list of local service hotlines, store addresses, service information (such as Warranty
policy), and more in HiCare.
To download product manuals, check FAQs, and view the Privacy Policy, please visit http://
To view important legal information on products, go to Settings > System > About tablet > Legal.
For more information, please visit http://consumer.huawei.com/en/.
Legal Notice

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Andere handleiding(en) van Huawei MediaPad M5 - SHT-W09

Huawei MediaPad M5 - SHT-W09 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 108 pagina's

Huawei MediaPad M5 - SHT-W09 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 119 pagina's

Huawei MediaPad M5 - SHT-W09 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 61 pagina's

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