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Connecting the drain hose
Connect the drain
hose, without ben-
ding it, to a draining
duct or a wall drain
situated between 65
and 100 cm from the
The drain hose may
be connected to
an under-sink trap.
Before connecting
the drain hose from
the machine ensure
that any blanks or
removable ends have
been taken off the
If it is placed over
the edge of a basin
or sink be sure the
free end of the hose
should not be under-
! We advise against the use of hose extensions;
in case of absolute need, the extension must
have the same diameter as the original hose
and must not exceed 150 cm in length.
Ensure that if the drain hose is pushed into
a standpipe, that the end does not go down
more than 15cms (6 inches). If the hose is pu-
shed down too far, this may cause the machine
to self -syphon ie. continuously empty as it is
Electric connection
Before plugging the appliance into the mains
socket, make sure that:
the socket is earthed and in compliance with
the applicable law;
the socket is able to sustain the appliance’s
maximum power load indicated on the Tech-
nical Data Plate fixed on the machine;
the supply voltage is included within the
values indicated on the Technical Data Plate
fixed on the machine.
• the socket is compatible with the washing
machine’s plug. If this is not the case, repla-
ce the socket or the plug.
Your appliance is now supplied with a 13 amp
fused plug it can be plugged into a 13 amp
socket for immediate use. Before using the
appliance please read the instructions below.
Replacing the fuse:
When replacing a faulty fuse, a 13 amp ASTA
approved fuse to BS 1362 should always be
used, and the fuse cover re-fitted. If the fuse
cover is lost, the plug must not be used until a
replacement is obtained.
Replacement fuse covers:
If a replacement fuse cover is fitted, it must be
of the correct colour as indicated by the colou-
red marking or the colour that is embossed in
words on the base of the plug. Replacements
can be obtained directly from your nearest
Service Depot.
Removing the plug:
If your appliance has a non-rewireable moul-
ded plug and you should wish to re-route the
mains cable through partitions, units etc.,
please ensure that either:
the plug is replaced by a fused 13 ampere
rewireable plug bearing the BSI mark of ap-
the mains cable is wired directly into a 13
amp cable outlet, controlled by a switch, (in
compliance with BS 5733) which is accessible
without moving the appliance.
Disposing of the plug:
Ensure that before disposing of the plug itself,
you make the pins unusable so that it cannot
be accidentally inserted into a socket.
Instructions for connecting cable to an alternati-
ve plug:
Important: the wires in the mains lead are co-
loured in accordance with the following code:
Green & Yellow Earth
Blue Neutral
Brown Live
65 - 100 cm
Where it connects to
the waste water pipe
cut end off spigot or
remove the blanking cap

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