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The machine is noisy.
The machine wont spin properly.
The machine leaks from the
The machine leaks (other than
The option lights and the START/
PAUSE indicator light are flash
rapidly and an error code appears
on the display (eg F-01, F-..).
The machine smells.
The machine door cannot be
Door Seal damaged at the bottom.
The water level is too low when
the machine is washing.
There is too much foam.
After completing the programme,
or before starting a programme,
the machine has turned itself off
(no lights).
There will always be some motor, pump and drum noise during spin.
Out of Balance detected when attempting to go into a spin cycle - If this
happens the machine will continue to try to repeat the distribution of the load
required before the machine will go into higher spin speeds - This will increase
the programme time accordingly. This is a safety feature to prevent damage.
Out of Balance can be caused by washing a single heavy item (eg duvet, quilt,
etc). - Try the programme again using a different load.
The dispenser drawer is blocked with detergent and requires cleaning.
The water pressure is too high and requires turning down - turn down the tap
on the water supply pipe slightly and try again.
The machine is tilting forwards - It must be level when in its final position.
The fill hose is loose, check both the cabinet and tap ends.
The fill hose is tight but still leaks, if so replace the rubber washers, or the fill
hose is missing the rubber washer.
The drain hose is not fixed in properly.
Switch off the machine and unplug it, wait for approximately 1 minute and then
switch back on again. If the problem persists contact Technical Assistance
The machine requires a service wash. Run a auto clean wash cycle with deter-
gent and no laundry.
The door will not open until the door lock indicator light goes out shortly after
the program has finished.
If there is no power to the machine you need to perform the manual unlocking
The door seal has drainage holes at the bottom - This is normal.
The water level is correct if it can be seen at the bottom of the door.
The detergent is not suitable for machine washing (it should display the text
‘for washing machines’ or ‘hand and machine wash’ or the like).
Too much detergent was used - less detergent is required in soft water.
To comply with new energy saving regulations the machine is fitted with an
automatic standby system. Press ‘ON/OFF’ button for 3 seconds to activate
the machine, it can then either be switched off or a new programme selected.
Your washing machine contains sensors that monitor progress during the wash
cycle (eg: Water Levels, Temperatures, Out of Balance loads, Wash time/progress).
Normally, if your machine successfully completes the cycle, there is unlikely to
be anything wrong!
Remember, you will be charged for a service call for problems caused by incorrect installation, as indica-
ted on pages 2 to 4.
Not emptying contents from pockets may cause pump or drain blockages, or may damage the machine.
Do not wash items which do not have a wash label, or wash items that are not intended as machine

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