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Electrical connection
Before inserting the plug into the electrical socket, make sure
The socket is earthed and complies with current regulations.
The socket can withstand the maximum load of the
appliance, which is indicated on the data plate located on
the inside of the door (
see chapter entitled Description of
the appliance
The power supply voltage falls within the values indicated
on the data plate on the inside of the door.
The socket is compatible with the plug of the appliance. If
this is not the case, ask an authorised technician to replace
the plug (
see Assistance
); do not use extension cables or
multiple sockets.
Once the appliance has been installed, the power supply
cable and the electrical socket should be easily accessible.
The cable should not be bent or compressed.
If the power supply cable is damaged, it must be replaced
by the manufacturer or its Technical Assistance Service in or-
der to prevent all potential hazards. (See Assistance)
The Company shall not be held responsible for any
incidents that occur if these regulations are not observed.
Technical data
width 60 cm
height 85 cm
depth 60 cm
Capacity 14 standard place-settings
Water supply
0,05 ÷ 1MPa (0.5 ÷ 10 bar)
7,25 – 145 psi
Power supply
See appliance data plate
Total absorbed
See appliance data plate
Fuse See appliance data plate
This dishwasher conforms to the
following European Community
-2006/95/EC (Low Voltage)
-2004/108/EC (Electromagnetic
-2005/32/EC (Comm. Reg.
1275/2008) (Ecodesign)
-97/17/EC (Labelling)
-2002/96/EC Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment
Anti-condensation strip*
After installing the dishwasher, open the door and stick the
adhesive transparent strip under the wooden shelf in order to
protect it from any condensation which may form.
Advice regarding the first wash cycle
After the appliance has been installed, immediately before
running the first wash cycle, completely fill the salt dispenser
with water and add only then approximately 1 kg of salt (
chapter entitled Rinse aid and refined salt
). The water may
overflow: this is normal and is not a cause for concern. Select
the water hardness value (
see chapter entitled Rinse aid and
refined salt
). - After the salt has been poured into the
machine, the LOW SALT indicator light
* switches off.
If the salt container is not filled, the water softener and
the heating element may be damaged as a result.
ECO wash cycle is the standard cycle to which the energy label data refers; this cycle can be used to wash crockery with a
normal soil level and is the most efficient in terms of energy and water consumption for this type of crockery. To reduce consumption
even further, only run the dishwasher when it is full.
Standby consumption: Left-on mode consumption: 4,5 W – Off mode consumption: 1,3 W
Consumption data table for the main cycles
* Cycle data refers to the values recorded in a laboratory, in accordance with European standard EN 50242.
** Data is obtained by recording values when the appliance is operational and loaded with user crockery.
Standard conditions* User conditions**
Energy consumption
Water consumption
Energy consumption
Water consumption
1,50 15 150 1,30 14 135
1,20 15 120 1,05 14 110

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