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Load delicate and light dishes: glasses, cups, saucers, low salad bowls.
(loading example for the upper rack)
The height of the upper rack can be adjusted: high position to place
bulky crockery in the lower basket and low position to make the most
of the tip-up supports by creating more space
upwards and avoid collision with the items
loaded into lower rack. The upper rack is equ-
ipped with a Upper Rack height adjuster (see
gure), without pressing the levers, lift it up by
simply holding the rack sides, as soon as the
rack is stable in its upper position.
To restore to the lower position, press the levers
A at the sides of the rack and move the basket
We strongly recommend that you do not
adjust the height of the rack when it is loaded.
NEVER raise or lower the basket on one side only.
The side foldable aps can be positioned at three dierent heights to
optimize the arrangement of crockery inside
the rack. Wine glasses can be placed safely
in the foldable aps by inserting the stem of
each glass into the corresponding slots. For
optimum drying results incline the foldable
aps more. To change the inclination, pull up
the foldable ap, slide it slightly and position
it as you wish.
For pots, lids, plates, salad bowls, cutlery etc. Large plates and lids
should ideally be placed at the sides to avoid interferences with the
spray arm. The lower rack has tip-up supports which can be used in
a vertical position when arranging plates or in a horizontal position
(lower) to load pans and salad bowls easily
(loading example for the lower rack)
The modular basket is equipped with top grilles for improved cutlery
arrangement. The cutlery basket should be positioned only at the
front of the lower rack.
Knives and other utensils with sharp edges must be placed in the
cutlery basket with the points facing downwards or they must be
positioned horizontally in the tip-up compartments on the upper
The upper rack is tted with a sliding tray which can be used to hold
small crockery and cutlery. For optimum washing performance, avoid
positioning bulky crockery directly below the tray.
The tray is removable.

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