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Start-up and use
Starting the dishwasher
1. Turn the water tap on.
2. Premere il tasto ON-OFF: si sente un breve bip, tutte le spie
e il display si illuminano per alcuni secondi.
2. Press the ON/OFF button: you will hear a short beep; all the
indicator lights and the display will light up for a few seconds.
3. Open the door and pour in a suitable amount of detergent
(see below).
4. Load the racks (see Loading the racks) and shut the door.
5. Select the wash cycle in accordance with the type of
crockery and its soil level (see Table of wash cycles) by
pressing the P button.
6. Select the wash options
* (see adjacent information).
7. Start the cycle by pressing the Start/Pause button: a long
beep signals the start of the wash cycle, the washing cycle
indicator light switches on and the time remaining until the end
of the cycle is displayed.
8. Two short beeps and one long one indicate the end of the
wash cycle; the wash cycle indicator light flashes and the END
indicator light switches on (fixed green light). Switch off the
appliance by pressing the ON/OFF button, shut off the water
valve and unplug the appliance from the electricity socket.
9. Wait for a few minutes before removing the crockery, in
order to avoid burns. Unload the racks, beginning with the
lower level.
The order in which the different wash cycles are displayed
will change according to the frequency with which each cycle
is used.
*: this model of dishwasher is
equipped with a special sensor which can be used to assess
the level of soiling and automatically select the most efficient
and economic wash cycle accordingly.
The duration of the auto wash cycles may vary due to the
operation of the sensor.
Modifying a wash cycle in progress
If a mistake was made during the wash cycle selection
process it is possible to change the cycle, provided that it has
only just begun: once the wash cycle has started, switch off
the machine by pressing and holding the ON/OFF/Reset
button. Switch it back on using the same button and select the
desired wash cycle and options.
Adding extra crockery
Press the Start/Pause button (the corresponding indicator light
will flash). Open the door, taking care to avoid the escaping
steam, and place the crockery inside the appliance. Press the
Start/Pause button (fixed light): the cycle will restart after a
prolonged beep is emitted.
If the Start/Pause button is pressed so as to pause the
machine, the wash cycle or the Delayed Start function (if
selected) is interrupted.
At this stage it is not possible to change the wash cycle.
Accidental interruptions
If the door is opened during the wash cycle, or if there is a
power cut, the cycle stops. It starts again from the point at
which it was interrupted once the door has been shut or once
the electricity supply is restored.
Measuring out the detergent
A good wash result also depends on the correct amount
of detergent being used; exceeding the stated amount
does not result in a more effective wash and increases
environmental pollution.
Only use detergent which has been
specifically designed for dishwashers.
DO NOT USE washing up liquid.
Using excessive detergent may result in foam
residue remaining in the machine after the cycle
has ended.
To achieve the best results from each washing
and drying cycle, powder detergent, rinse aid
liquid and salt should be used.
Compartment A: Washing detergent
Compartment B: Pre-wash detergent
1. Open cover C by pressing button
2. Pour in the detergent after
consulting the Table of wash cycles:
For powder detergent use
compartments A and B.
For detergent in tablet form: when
the cycle requires 1 tablet, place it in
compartment A and close the cover;
when it requires 2, place the second tablet at the bottom of the
3. Remove detergent residues from the edges of the
compartment and close the cover until it clicks.
Wash options*
The OPTIONS may only be set, modified or reset after the
wash cycle has been selected and before the Start/
Pause button has been pressed.
Only the options which are compatible with the type of wash cycle
set may be selected. If an option is not compatible with the se-
lected wash cycle (see Table of wash cycles), the corresponding
LED flashes rapidly 3 times and 2 short beeps will sound.
If an option is selected which is incompatible with another (previ-
ously selected) option, the indicator light corresponding to the
option selected first will flash 3 times, 3 beeps will sound and it will
be deselected, while the most recently selected option will remain
To deselect an option which has been set by mistake, press the
corresponding button again.
* Only available in selected models.

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