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Part 2: For the operator
2.1.e.1Manual draining for mach. with drainage pump
For machines tted with a drainage pump it is possible
to empty the tank by carrying out the manual draining
cycle, during which only the drainage pump remains
This cycle can only be carried out by leaving the ma-
chine SWITCHED ON with the tank full of water and the
door OPEN.
Having released the overow, press and hold the
START (S3) button until the LED LC2 and CHECK
together) begins to FLASH, and then release the
START (S3) button;
The DRAINAGE CYCLE will begin.
By pressing the START (ST) button or switching
the power switch (Q1) to OFF, you can interrupt the
drainage cycle before the preset time is up;
to restart the interrupted cycle, press START (S3)
When the LC2 LED lights up CONSTANTLY,
the drainage cycle is nished.
At the end of the cycle, restore the lters (22/23) and the
overow (21) to their respective positions.
2.1.f Self-washing and draining
At the end of the washing operations SWITCH OFF the
machine pressing the switch (Q1)
After having unlocked the overow pipe, close the door
of tank access , press push button START (S3) (about
5 sec.)
The cycle Self-washing and draining will start ; Led LC1
and LC3 will light, while led CHECK is FIXED ON, with
draining pump ON (for the machines equipped with).
The end of the described phase is indicated by the switch-
ing OFF of the Led CHECK,
2.1.g Cold rinsing (optional)
With machine ON (switch line Q1 is ON ), tank full of
water and door closed (LC1 or LC2 or LC3 and CHECK
keep pressed regeneration button (S4) to make the cold
rinsing of the crockeries for all the wished time.”
2.1.h Switching off at the end of the day
At the end of the working day SWITCH OFF the ma-
chine by pressing the power switch (Q1) into the
OFF position.
Switch off the mains switch feeding the machine
and close the water supply taps.
For any repairs, contact only assistance centres au-
thorised by the manufacturer.
Warnings during the operation
1) Ensure that the washing temperature remains at
approx. 55-60°C;
2) Avoid immersing bare hands in the detergent-lled
water; if this should happen, rinse immediately and
thoroughly with running water;
3) Use only anti-foaming detergents, specics for use in
industrial machines;
4) Deactivate the machine in case of break-down or
For any repairs, contact only assistance centres autho-
rised by the manufacturer, and insist on the use of
original parts.
5) In no case should you change the the original for-
mulations without rst consulting an authorised
assistance centre;
6) When the machine is operating, do not open the door
too rapidly.
7) Wash tank water should be changed at least twice a
day or according to daily wash requirements.
Failure to follow the above warnings may compromise
the safety of the washing machine.
Useful advice for better washibg results
Any unsatisfactory results from washing can be seen
when traces of dirt are left on dishes or other items; any
water marks may be caused by insufcient rinsing.
In this case, ensure that the rinsing nozzles (27) are
clean and that there is pressure in the water system.
If there are traces of waste, ensure that:
- The lters (22/23) are clean;
- the water temperature is around 55-60°C;
- items are correctly positioned in the basket;
- the washing/rinsing nozzles are clean (26/27);
- the arms (24/25) rotate freely.
(for model D only)
We recommend that you carry out regeneration when all
work is nished.
First of all, ensure that there is coarse cooking salt in the
salt container, and proceed as follows:
1. unscrew the salt container plug and pour in 1 Kg of
coarse salt.
2.Screw the plug down tight, to ensure that the container
is completely sealed.
On reaching the set number of cycles, the CHECK LED
will ash;
this indicates that it is time to carry out regeneration.
The signal that the set number of cycles has been reached
can only be deactivated by starting the regeneration cycle
(regenerate button (S4)).
With the machine SWITCHED OFF (the power switch
(Q1) in the OFF position), and the tank EMPTY (release
the overow) and the door CLOSED, press and hold the
regenerate button (S4) (Fig. 1/ 9), until the CHECK LED
The REGENERATION CYCLE will begin, and the
CHECK LED will ash continuously.
The machine will now automatically carry out all the ne-
cessary operations for a MAXIMUM of 20 mins, during
which the machine cannot be used.
Opening the door during the cycle will stop the regenera-
tion cycle; the CHECK LED will start to ash RAPIDLY;
on closing the door the cycle will resume from where it
was stopped.

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Hoonved ST 48E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

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