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ST9400S – User Guide
1 Day Programmer, 2 channel
With Boiler Service Reminder / Shut-down Feature
Honeywell Control Systems Ltd.
Arlington Business Park,
RG12 1EB
Technical Help Desk: 08457 678999
50022737-006 A
© 2007 Honeywell International Inc.
Easy to use slider and buttons combined with ‘LoT’™ Technology and an
‘OK’ button, allows you to confirm changes and stay in control.
LoT™ Technology provides you with informative ‘on-screen’ feedback and operational
assistance as and when required.
Extra Large LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) with Backlight provides added user
friendliness and clearer viewing – even in the dark.
Independent 1-day Heating & Hot Water Programmes let you choose settings built
into ST9400S for each day of the week to match your lifestyle, while maximising energy
savings, or alter them to your personal settings.
Automatic Summer/Winter Time Change will adjust the clock forward and backward
automatically when the clocks change, saving you having to change your ST9400S
every time.
Built-in Memory holds your programme indefinitely - even if the mains power fails.
Boiler Service Reminder / Shut-down provides a reminder for when the boiler
service is due, and, if necessary, shuts down to ensure your safety.
Energy Efficiency and the Environment
Home energy use is responsible for more than ¼ of the total UK carbon emissions
which contribute to climate change. Heating and hot water systems based on
boilers account for of this figure, so it is important to understand how your
controls can help to maximize energy efficiency while maintaining your comfort.
Your Programmer should be used in conjunction with appropriate temperature
controls. In order to save energy the following general points should be observed:
1. Ensure your system contains a room thermostat and a hot water thermostat,
and that both are set to appropriate temperature levels: typically 20°C for the
room temperature and between 55 - 60°C for the hot water temperature.
Programme your heating and hot water to be off when you are not in the house. If
you are concerned about possible frost damage to any exposed pipe work, it is
advisable to fit a frost protection system – your installer can advise you about this.
3. Think about how you use your domestic hot water if you have a storage
system, it is not necessary to have this switched on all the time, even when you
are in the house.
4. Consider the heat up times required for your central heating. Every home
responds differently when the heating is switched on. Adjust the start time so
that you are not cold when you get up in the morning. A shorter heat up time is
required for other heating periods.
5. In the evening, when the house is up to temperature, it is often possible to
switch off the heating up to an hour before you go to bed, without any noticeable
reduction in comfort.
Take care to dispose of this product and any packaging or literature in an appropriate way
This product and its associated documentation and packaging are protected by various intellectual
property rights belonging to Honeywell Inc. and its subsidiaries and existing under the laws of the UK
and other countries. These intellectual and property rights may include patent applications, registered
designs, unregistered designs, registered trade marks, unregistered trade marks and copyrights.
Honeywell reserves the right to modify this document, product and functionality without notice. This
document replaces any previously issued instructions and is only applicable to the product(s)
This product has been designed for applications as described within this document. For use outside of
the scope as described herein, refer to Honeywell for guidance. Honeywell cannot be held responsible
for misapplication of the product(s) described within this document.
Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environment and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell
Technologies Sarl, Ecublens, Route du Bois 37, Switzerland by its Authorised Representative Honeywell Inc.
This document is to be left with the user
and forms part of a Home Information Pack
...an Explanation for Householders
(as recommended by the Energy Savings Trust)
Programmers allow you to set ‘On’ and ‘Off’ time periods. Some models switch the central heating
and domestic hot water on and off at the same time, while others allow the domestic hot water
and heating to come on and go off at different times. Set the ‘On’ and ‘Off’ time periods to suit
your own lifestyle. On some programmers you must also set whether you want the heating and hot
water to run continuously, run under the chosen ‘On’ and ‘Off’ heating periods, or be permanently
off. The time on the programmer must be correct. Some types have to be adjusted in spring and
autumn at the changes between Greenwich Mean Time and British
Summer Time. You may be able to temporarily adjust the heating
programme, for example, ‘Override’, ‘Advance’, or ‘Boost’. These
are explained in the manufacturer’s instructions. The heating will
not work if the room thermostat has switched the heating off. And,
if you have a hot-water cylinder, the water heating will not work if
the cylinder thermostat detects that the hot water has reached the
correct temperature.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Honeywell ST9400S

Honeywell ST9400S Snelstart handleiding - English - 2 pagina's

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