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The Honeywell models 17000 and 17005 are equipped with the LifeTime HEPA
which will last for the life of your air purifier when operated under normal conditions.
Your LifeTime HEPA
Filter is vacuum-able and should be cleaned regularly for optimum
To Clean Your HEPA Filter:
Turn the air purifier off and unplug from the wall outlet.
After removing the filter assembly from the air purifier (refer to
section “Removing/Changing the Filters” in this manual),
separate and remove the carbon pre-filter from the HEPA filter
and place aside (or discard if pre-filter needs replacement).
To vacuum-clean the filter, hold the filter and run a vacuum
cleaner with a nozzle or brush attachment along the filter to
pick-up the dirt and particles (Fig. 12). Repeat along the entire
surface of the HEPA filter.
Do not penetrate the HEPA paper pleats with the vacuum attachment since
tearing or puncturing can occur.
Note that the filter may still be discolored even after cleaning it. This is acceptable
and will not affect performance. Also, do not be concerned if you still see particles
attached to the HEPA filter. The filter performance is still optimal.
After vacuuming the filter, wrap the pre-filter around the HEPA filter and place the
whole assembly back into the internal chamber of the air purifier (see
“Removing/Changing the Filters”).
You now need to reset the Intelli-Check
Filter Indicator. With the air purifier powered
on, press and hold the appropriate filter indicator button for approximately 10
seconds until the light turns off (see Fig. 1).
If the HEPA filter clogs or if you have difficulty cleaning the filter, please visit us at
www.kaz.com or call us at 1-800-332-1110.
*Permanent filter life based on ordinary use and care.
Fig. 12
We recommend that you clean the air purifier at least once a month and before
extended storage. Use only a dry cloth to wipe the external surfaces of the air purifier.
If you store your Air Purifier for more than 30 days, we recommend:
Removing both the primary HEPA filter and the carbon pre-filter from the unit.
Discarding the pre-filter.
Wrapping the HEPA filter in an air-tight plastic bag or plastic wrap. Be sure that the
filter is totally sealed.
To restore the air purifier to service, unwrap the HEPA filter, install a new carbon pre-
filter, and reinstall both filters in the air purifier. See “Removing/Changing the Filters”
section for proper installation.
Cleaning the LifeTime HEPA™ Permanent Filter:
Model 17000 and 17005
Cleaning and Storage
17000-17005 OM EFS.qxd 8/19/05 3:38 PM Page 9

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