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This air purifier features a remote control handset for additional convenience. The
remote control allows you to turn the air cleaner OFF and to change the running speed
(LOW, MED, HIGH). NOTE: When a program function is running (pre-set or customized
program cycles), you may override the speed setting; the unit will continue with its
programmed function once it reaches the next programmed time.
The model 17005 series air purifier is equipped with Intelli-Check
Filter Monitors to serve
as a convenient reminder for when to clean the LifeTime HEPA
Filter and when to replace
the carbon pre-filter based on the air cleaner’s hours of use and operating speed. This is
beneficial because a filter’s life depends on the amount
of air and contaminants drawn through it. Each filter bar
will fill up from clean to dirty as its expected filter life is
used up. Once the bar is completely full, it is time to
check and clean/ replace the appropriate filter.
To move between the PRE-FILTER bar and the HEPA
FILTER bar, quickly press the FILTER button (Fig. 6a).
To RESET a filter bar that appears on the display,
press and hold the FILTER button for 5 seconds, or
until the filter bar clears to CLEAN status (Fig. 6b).
The Intelli-Check
Filter Monitors calculate the expected
pre-filter life based on an assumed average operating
time of 12 hours a day on medium speed. Therefore, it
will indicate replacement of the Pre-filter in about 3
months. Depending upon your individual usage
(environment, hours and speed of operation), you may
need to check and replace the pre-filters more or less
Fig. 6a
Fig. 6b
Press the SET button until PG2 and P2-ON appear. The speed icon will appear.
(Fig. 5c).
Adjust the time using the hours and minutes button. This is the time that the machine
will turn ON for the second ON/OFF cycle.
Adjust the desired speed setting using the SPEED button.
Press the SET button until PG2 and P2-OFF appear. The speed icon will disappear.
(Fig. 5d).
Adjust the time using the hours and minutes button. This is the time that the machine
will turn OFF for the second ON/OFF cycle.
Continuously press SET button until you exit set time mode.
Press the PROGRAM button until PG2 appears. Unit will automatically operate per
your settings.
NOTE: When a program function is running (pre-set or customized program cycles), you
may override the speed setting; the unit will continue with its programmed function once
it reaches the next programmed time.
Customize Program Cycles: Model 17005 (continued)
Remote Control: Model 17005
Filter Monitors: Model 17005
17000-17005 OM EFS.qxd 8/19/05 3:38 PM Page 7

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