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Do not place plants directly under the air ow as it is bad for the plants.
Do not direct the cool air coming out from the air-conditioner panel to face
household heating apparatus as this may affect the working of apparatus such
as the electric kettle, oven etc.
The product shall be operated under the manufacturer speci cation and not
for any other intended use.
Do not attempt to operate the unit with wet hands, this could cause fatal
When operating the unit with burning equipments, regularly ventilate
the room to avoid oxygen insuf ciency.
Please ensure that outdoor mounting frame is always stable, rm and without
defect. If not, the outdoor unit may collapse and cause danger.
Do not wash the unit with water or place a water container such as a vase on
the indoor unit.
Electrical leakage could be present and cause electric shock.
Be sure to stop the operation by using the remote controller and turn off the
circuit breaker during cleaning, the high-speed fan inside the unit may cause
Turn off the circuit breaker if the unit is not be operated for a long period.
Do not climb on the outdoor unit or put objects on it.
When operating the unit with the door and windows opened, (the room
humidity is always above 80%) and with the air de ector facing down or moving
automatically for a long period of time, water will condense on the air de ector
and drips down occasionally. This will wet your furniture. Therefore, do not
operate under such condition for a long time.
If the amount of heat in the room is above the cooling or heating capability of
the unit (for example: more people entering the room, using heating equipments
and etc.), the preset room temperature cannot be achieved.
Indoor unit cleaning must be performed by authorized personnel only. Consult
your sales agent.
Using a commercially available detergent or similar can damage the plastic
parts or clog the drain pipe, causing water to drip with potential electric shock
Do not touch the air outlet, bottom surface and aluminium n of the outdoor
You may get hurt.
Do not touch the refrigerant pipe and connecting valve.
Burns may result.

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